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Maker Pro

Molex crimping & crimping tool (beginner questions)


Oct 24, 2013
Oct 24, 2013
I'm somewhat confused about Molex type connectors and the process of crimping wires to them. Maybe someone can set me straight?
My project needs in general two connector types:
2.54mm pin-spacing (2 pin, 4 pin, 5 pin, 8 pin)
3.96mm pin-spacing (3 pin, 4 pin)

If I'm not mistaken the 2.54mm spacing ones go by the name of Molex KK-254 but "compatibles" are available on eBay such as these called 2.54mm KF2510 connector header plug/socket/housing/crimp terminals 2-12 pins.
And I believe the 3.96 spacing ones are called Molex KK-156 while eBay compatibles go by the name of "CH" such as 3.96mm CH3.96 connector header plug/socket/housing/crimp terminals 2-10 pins. I'll be getting the eBay ones to save costs and will be ordering matching headers and crimp terminals.

Then comes the crimping part which has me worried (I've never quite gotten the hang of this and it's been a while). I purchased a common SN-28B crimp tool on eBay several years ago, but I'm not sure if this is suitable for the job or if I need to get another tool. Some sites say it's for Dupont connectors while others (like the link provided here) say it's for Dupont, JST, Molex and a bunch of other types. Unfortunately it didn't come with any instructions, and as I'm not too familiar with distinguishing one type of crimp terminal from the other it's hard to locate the correct Youtube video (it seems most of them concentrate on Dupont connectors).

Then I thought I found a solution: pre-crimped wires!
I believe that for the 2.54mm connectors I can order KF2510 2.54mm double ended crimped wire packs, which would save me a lot of pain, but for the 3.96mm connectors there's nothing available as far as I can see, so it appears that I need to resort to crimping myself at least part of the wires I need for my project.
.... unless other crimp terminals are compatible with the Molex type "CH" connectors?

Suggestions on how I should approach this part of my project without too much pain and wrongly ordered parts? :)

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
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Oct 24, 2013
Oct 24, 2013
Thanks to both for suggestions, video and links!
Ideally I think pre-crimped wires (with or without sockets would be the simplest/quickest solution, but alas I'm having trouble finding those for the 3.96mm connectors. The best I can find are single-ended pre-crimped wires with headers. So although that helps it means I'll have to do a fair bit of crimping myself.

Maybe it's not so hard once I get practicing on a few wire bits first. I don't know if I have the right tool (SN-28B -purchased years ago at eBay, Aliexpress or something similar) as they're usually marketed as "Dupont crimping tool", but other places it says it works for Dupont, JST and Molex connectors....
I'll see if there are any forum discussions on the matter.

Regarding my existing connectors. Can someone please help me identify them?
I received several connectors from someone else, for a project which has been gathering dust for many years, so I can't remember the specifics, but they're 2.54mm pin-spaced connectors and to my knowledge they goby the name of "KF2510" which I believe in turn are cheap Chinese knockoffs of Molex KK-254 connectors. Correct?
Here's a few photos of the connectors I already have:




As for the 3.96mm spaced connectors, online research tells me that these are named "CH3.96" and are cheap Chinese knockoffs of Molex KK-396.
Here's what the ones I already have look like. Have I identified them correctly?


If I'm not mistaken the two types use crimp terminals which are unique to that series, right?
But are the knockoffs and their Molex counterparts fully compatible with each other?