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Maker Pro

How do I motivate myself to study with 100% focus and concentration during covid lockdown?


Oct 21, 2021
Oct 21, 2021
We have lockdown soon in Nepal. PS there is going to be 1 week gap for me to study for my supplementary exams(backlog). Exam date of backlog isn't fixed tho. That's why my motivation is low. I got this news just yesterday. Till yesterday, I was studying with 100% focus but today I am not doing anything at all.
This happens to me all the time during holidays.

=> How do I motivate myself to work with 100% productivity during holidays as well?

What I am doing-:

1) social pomodoro like timmytimer

2) yoga, pranayama

3) ayurvedic medicines for focus

4) Never start to watch a web series during holidays.

5) Delete facebook account till 1 week.

But these aren't giving me results today...I didn't use them during my 6 month lockdown time I wasted it.

I am going to stick all your advice to my wall and make myself follow it. Please tell me something to motivate myself. I know I should have been self motivated but it is only during holidays. Even when I study, I study so much depth(try to and fail). But I am so used to this(wasting holidays), that it has become my normal behaviour...I want to break this habit totally. Because as soon as I graduate, I will be in trouble due to this. I need to be responsible.

What else can I do for it?


May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
Re-read your post.
Then follow it.
You know what you should be doing.
You also know what you shouldn’t be doing.



Jul 15, 2016
Jul 15, 2016
Pretend you are a film director doing your life story in the future.
Write the plot of your success. Believe it
then do it.


Aug 20, 2022
Aug 20, 2022
In fact, your post inspired even me. I sincerely believe that you will succeed.


Sep 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
It's a late answer (because I'm new at this forum) but I found this thread and I'm really inspired to write my personal text about how to be motivated during covid. Autumn is coming and covid too (hate it), so it can help someone:
The first step is to accept that there will be some days when you’re just not feeling it. It’s okay to have an off day every now and then. The important thing is to not let one off day turn into two, or three, or four. One way to motivate yourself on those days is to set smaller goals. Instead of telling yourself, you need to study for four hours, commit to studying for one hour. Once you’ve achieved that goal, you can give yourself a five-minute break before setting another goal. It’s also important to create a schedule and stick to it as much as possible. If you know you have a study session scheduled for 1:00 p.m., do your best to start working at that time. And if you find yourself getting distracted, take a break from whatever it is that’s distracting you. Go for a walk, listen to music, or read something non-academic for a few minutes. The key is to not allow yourself to get too bogged down in work. Find a balance between work and play, and you’ll be more likely to stay focused and motivated throughout the entire covid lockdown.