Maker Pro
Maker Pro

In ground antenna attenuation


Sep 24, 2009
Sep 24, 2009
I'm installing an in-ground dog fence around the back yard. I want to take it past the patio where the dogs will cross over it. Is there any way to shield the antenna wire in this area to attenuate the radio signal to the point it won't give activate the dog's radio collar? I thought about using an emt conduit or maybe a coax cable with the braided shield, but the tech rep at Innotek says that won't work. The signal is AM. The only method he said will work is a twisted double wire with the signal passing in opposite directions in the two wires. I thought a metal barrier would stop an AM signal, but he says no. Any ideas what to do except run the loop around the entire house, which isn't convenient to do? The loop layout won't accommodate using the twisted pair past the patio.