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Need to replace an old style Capacitor

Andy 1066

Jan 31, 2018
Jan 31, 2018

I have a Singer sewing machine that is 40+ years old, that has a capacitor that needs to be replace, who would be the best shop or firm to contact for a replacement


Jul 5, 2011
Jul 5, 2011
What is it about your "old style capacitor" that you cannot just buy an ordinary capacitor with the same ratings?


Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009

I have a Singer sewing machine that is 40+ years old, that has a capacitor that needs to be replace, who would be the best shop or firm to contact for a replacement

your incredible lack of info makes it really difficult to help you .... help us to help you

As Edd said ... show a photo .... sharp and easy to read markings

failing that ... tell us EXACLTY what is written on the cap

Andy 1066

Jan 31, 2018
Jan 31, 2018
Hi, to one and all,

First of all, thank you for replying to my thread. I am very grateful for any help in this matter.

The reason why I was asking for information on a shop or firm that might be able to help me replace this 40+ year capacitor. Is because I have a basic understanding of electronic. So if I could have got the exact replacement, it was a straight forward case.

Years ago we had small stores in this country where the owners were really into electronic as it was there hobby as well as there livelihood. They were not just sales people, like you get in the stores nowadays, who just know what a component looks like, but they do not know what it does.

I will now tell you the full story, a couple of weeks ago I purchased a 2nd hand Singer sewing machine, being sold for spare’s or repair’s. The lady who I purchase it from, said that she thought that the motor needed servicing?!.

When I got it home and plug it in, I switched it on, the light came on first of all, then a few seconds later the machine started working. By it self!, with out me having to press the electric speed controller. I could also smell a burning smell at the same time, so I switch the machine off, and opened the electric speed controller. I found a capacitor in it, that had ruptured. A picture of which I have enclosed, it is the 0.1 uf, I have also sent a picture of the inside of the speed controller.

You will see that I have replaced the ruptured capacitor with a replacement, that I purchased from a company in this country called “RAPID” I sent them a photo of the capacitor, they in turn came back and said that this was the closes they had. I have sent a photo of it as well. The information printed on the pack states the following, Suntan TS08V0A9104KBB0D0R 0.1 uf + - 10% 310VAC x2 mini polyprop Film capacitor.

When I had installed this replacement, I again switched the machine on, this time when the light come on, and a few seconds had past, and the machine did not start of its own accord. I pressed the electric speed controller, and the machine worked as it should do. So I ran the machine back and forth speeding up slowing down, and then stopping, to smell the air just in case there was still a problem. I must admit that I was feeling very pleased with my self. But then there was the sound of crackle’s, and sputter’s, then pop, then smoke poured from the machine. So I switch it off, and open it up, to find out what had burn’t up, the motor looked alright. So I opened up the electrical connection box inside the machine, and found that there was another capacitor there,(0,22uf) that had now ruptured. Which you will see from one of the picture is linked in parallel with a resistor.

So there are a few question to be asked, did the new replacement capacitor cause the other capacitor to rupture?, or should the first question be, what caused the capacitor in the electric speed controller to rupture in the first place. This is why I think the lady who sold me the machine said that she thought that the motor needed servicing because she had smells a burning smell, and thought it was the motor. But the burning smell had been coming from the cracked capacitor in the electric speed controller. I did look on the internet to see what could cause a capacitor to rupture, and it mention an over voltage situation.

Any thoughts on what I have informed you, would be much appreciated

Andy 1066


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Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
So there are a few question to be asked, did the new replacement capacitor cause the other capacitor to rupture?,

may have put a little extra stress on a very old cap .... but it was going to fail sooner or later anyway

or should the first question be, what caused the capacitor in the electric speed controller to rupture in the first place.

most likely old age

I did look on the internet to see what could cause a capacitor to rupture, and it mention an over voltage situation.

yes, that is one cause ... but would be more likely a cause in the situation of a new cap failing :)

from you images above, this style of cap is readily available. Note the voltage rating and the X2
104 = 0.1uF
get a 224 = 0.22uF as well and replace them both


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Andy 1066

Jan 31, 2018
Jan 31, 2018
Hi Dave,

Thank you for your thoughts on what I should do next, The picture of the Suntan yellow capacitor, I put into show to anyone who viewed my thread. What I had been advised was the closes match that "Rapid" could supply me with. To replaced the one that had burn't out, in the speed controller. After installing this replacement, and running the machine for a short time, the other capacitor which is situated inside the machine, then burn't out?



Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
After installing this replacement, and running the machine for a short time, the other capacitor which is situated inside the machine, then burn't out?

yup :)

and I addressed that in my previous post :)

Andy 1066

Jan 31, 2018
Jan 31, 2018
Yes, you did address what I should to do next to resolve the situation in your last post. But your reply threw me some what, because you said to replace both of the capacitor’s. As I have already replaced the old ruptured 0.1uf cap, with the Suntan branded one that Rapid had recommended. Do you suggest replacing both caps, because when the 0.22uf cap burn’t out, it might of damage the new 0.1uf that I had just installed?.


Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
Yes, you did address what I should to do next to resolve the situation in your last post. But your reply threw me some what, because you said to replace both of the capacitor’s. As I have already replaced the old ruptured 0.1uf cap, with the Suntan branded one that Rapid had recommended. Do you suggest replacing both caps, because when the 0.22uf cap burn’t out, it might of damage the new 0.1uf that I had just installed?.

oh ok

if the 0.1uf was recently replaced ... no problems :) just replace the 0.22uF one with the similar style cap as the new 0.1uf

Andy 1066

Jan 31, 2018
Jan 31, 2018
Its the first time that I posted a thread on Electronics Point, a few weeks ago now, to ask advice regarding a ruptured capacitor, I had found on a sewing machine.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time, from all over the World, to give me there advice, and thoughts, on what had caused the problem, and what to do next, to get the machine working again. Thanks you all once again.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Jan 21, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time

Andy, thanks for getting back to us, and even more thanks for the positive feedback.