Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sillion-Controlled Circuit Cannot start


Mar 10, 2017
Mar 10, 2017
Good day~

As the following pictures shows, the air pump is controlled by SCR in the rectifier bridge circuit . The phenomenon shows that the air pump can operate normally when deleting R10, X1. On the other situation,the air pump will stop working. The power of air pump is small just between 20W~30W.

My own analyze: The internal resistance is big caused by the small power of air pump. The voltage can’t be measured by multimeter measurement. The SCR can’t work because it didn’t touch the triggering condition. There are RC in the controlled circuit of TRIAC according to the datasheet of MOC3063. I really don't know how to analyze it now !

Thanks a lot~(Any inconvenience in grammar Please understand )

Best wishes~