Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The Latest Build


Mar 11, 2020
Mar 11, 2020
So, here is why latest build. I used Saran Wrap to wrap the circuit so that it does not touch the sides ofd the steel box. During this playing, I switched the pickup switch on my guitar three times. The first pass is the two pick ups combined, the second pass is the bridge pickup , and the last pass is the neck pick up.

The pedal itself is very flexible in that it can achieve a very hard edge distortion, or a more subdued distortion. I chose a bit of the middle ground for this video, but it can be set to sound a lot dirtier or cleaner.

In terms of the guitar amp, I am using. Roland Cube with only some reverb dialled in- otherwise it is set to totally clean. Any distortion is from the pedal. I also used an entry level Fender Squire. I like to use cheaper guitars to test these things, because if they sound good on a cheaper guitar, they will sound great when I use my tele, Strat to les Paul.

Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way- especially AG, Betrus and Harald who were helping me ever since I started. Martin, Bluejets and VenomB- I haven't forgotten you either.

I will continue on this site with more exploits. I think being able to build something successfully (finally), has motivated me to stay put here. Plus, it's a great community!

Here is the clip:

Technical note: I am using AG's suggestions inside the box- like his voltage divider circuit and his inclusion of a 270R resistor, a 3.3uF cap and a 10nF cap. (these are all changes from the original schematic). I am also using a socket and a 4558D chip- which, although is an older chip, sounds just fine to me.

A note on sockets. I have purchased sockets on Amazon. the first bunch worked, but they seemed rather cheap. The second bunch I ordered took a long time to get here (China), but were worth the wait. Very good quality and what I really like about them, is beside each pin (from the top view), there is a little brass circle that lets you dip your multi meter probe in to test the pin. A little added feature that is cool.


Aug 30, 2018
Aug 30, 2018
I used have a cat that'd lay atop my bargain basement 1X12 solid state combo amp for the warmth ... and rip the knobs off then look at me like "what". Since then, I transitioned to tube fired amps and use circuits like these for not much more than a means to push the amp harder with a clean boost. I get a thicker, more punishing tone while retaining the amps nearly clairvoyant response.
It's a worthy goal for the soldering musician, but you need to be dead sure of what you're doing before you tackle a full house tube head build.
I did see an interesting circuit in that archive someone else shared a while ago ... it was a 12V in, tube fired distortion with a voltage multiplier in its power supply section. It's tone control section left something to be desired, but if it behaves anything like the Behringer VT 999, it'll be a springboard to what may end up being your new favorite pedal.


Mar 11, 2020
Mar 11, 2020
I used have a cat that'd lay atop my bargain basement 1X12 solid state combo amp for the warmth ... and rip the knobs off then look at me like "what". Since then, I transitioned to tube fired amps and use circuits like these for not much more than a means to push the amp harder with a clean boost. I get a thicker, more punishing tone while retaining the amps nearly clairvoyant response.
It's a worthy goal for the soldering musician, but you need to be dead sure of what you're doing before you tackle a full house tube head build.
I did see an interesting circuit in that archive someone else shared a while ago ... it was a 12V in, tube fired distortion with a voltage multiplier in its power supply section. It's tone control section left something to be desired, but if it behaves anything like the Behringer VT 999, it'll be a springboard to what may end up being your new favorite pedal.
Do you have a schematic?


Nov 8, 2019
Nov 8, 2019

The one with a voltage multiplier is this one:


Aug 30, 2018
Aug 30, 2018

@VenomBallistics , this is the other with a multiplier circuit:
View attachment 52310
There she be.
Strikingly similar to the tube mic pre by the same company.
I suspect it will make a good overdrive / boost as drawn. It should also serve as a springboard for other designs since it is a two channel design, using two tubes.
These could be used in series with a marshall or fender style tone stack and other elements.
Perhaps a PT 2399 based delay or chorus.
Or at least a send return loop


Mar 11, 2020
Mar 11, 2020
Wow. I think that is beyond my ability at the mom en t. Maybe as I get better at this stuff . Thank-you


Aug 30, 2018
Aug 30, 2018
Wow. I think that is beyond my ability at the mom en t. Maybe as I get better at this stuff . Thank-you
Now thats no way to get in over your head.
If you read between the lines of my thoughts on the tube head schematic a few posts back, you'll see me use terms like "springboard".
This is possible because I broke these things down into tangible, bite sized pieces I can work with.
You can, and should do the same. You'll be kit bashing, modding, and designing in no time.


Mar 11, 2020
Mar 11, 2020
We’ll see. I don’t give up easy and I also don’t feed ca food to a Lion. Lol. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I agree that when you breaks things down, it gets understandable