Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tumble Dryer Heat pump problem


Jan 24, 2023
Jan 24, 2023
problem after return from service technician
I don't know why but it shorted the capillary tube and now I'm looking for a way to fix it.
Freon r290
Refill 140 gr, ( from the label on the machine )

When the heat pump works without rotating the drum - I have temperatures after 15 minutes of operation:
The condenser at the outlet to the compressor 66 degrees Celsius, at the outlet of the condenser 60 degrees Celsius.
The evaporator at the outlet: 4 degrees Celsius, and the low pressure connector where the freon leaks (-1.5)

SuperHeat and SubCooling - OK

But when the drum is turned on - something crazy happens.
condenser 53 celsius / 21 celsius (more freon)
evaporator 28 celsius / 6 celsius ( less freon )
What needs to be changed to have Normal work and dry the clothes


Jan 24, 2023
Jan 24, 2023
this is it


  • Компресор и барабан.png
    Компресор и барабан.png
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  • Само компресор.png
    Само компресор.png
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Oct 5, 2014
Oct 5, 2014
Take it back to the service people.
R290 not to be fooled around with.
Other than that, sounds like it,s not pumping.
What are the low pressure side pressures before running and after around 5 min run.....?


Jan 24, 2023
Jan 24, 2023
Low pressure just compressor before start = almost 8 bar ( 116 psig )
after : 5 min = 1.4 bar ( 20 psig ) / 10 min = 2.2 bar ( 32 psig ) / 15 min = 3.3 bar ( 48 psig )

when the drum is turned this is what happens:
The air flow cools the condenser (the freon entering the condenser reaches 60 degrees).
The air flow also warms the evaporator and the return gas temperature rises.
Only the compressor reaches 4 degrees Celsius, but with the drum it reaches 28 degrees Celsius

the capillary that was cut and shortened is approximately 1.227mm (I was able to get 0.049 inches = 1.2446mm) and from pictures I saw that the original capillary was 1.5 meters (+ a few cm hidden in the evaporator) Now I use 1.67 meters. Apparently I will have to shorten the capillary tube a bit.

I saw from the program that if I reduce this length a little, I will reduce the temperature of the returned gas - so the compressor will not overheat


Jul 13, 2020
Jul 13, 2020
So locking wet clothes in a small freezer is not a good idea huh??!!!!
Anyway, it sounds like a sensor problem, but todays electronic equip doesn't read the sensor value, it computes it for readout.
That means that even if the sensor is going up and down, that the readout will only display what the program tells it to. Sensors in this case, are more like switches, that fluctuates more when more power is applied... the rest, is signal. Back in the day, we ordered a bunch of these really great sensors, that boasted values way off the charts and they cost us a bundle. but when we got them and installed them, they weren't really sensors at all, but were signal processors that required all the equipment to run within their specs.... WE HAD TO REBUILD EVERYTHING FROM SCRATCH So you are spewing in a really really touchy area there. Frankly noone is capable of fixing everything.. I am a master handyman and most of this stuff requires training to fix. The problem is that they(the inventor of this BS) are working from the other end to get it fixed, and we aren't really meeting in the same place everytime. Example... we fix the problem... they introduce a new board that fixes the problem and the result is a new problem. SO get down behind your hind sights..... target the error, solve your problem, and don't expect anyone else to fix it! You are not trained in the fix it arts so you are really mad that your heat pump clothes dryer is on the fritz! I can relate, I have a smart fridge.


Jan 24, 2023
Jan 24, 2023
can you share information - what temperatures should I have, because there is no information on the Internet.


Oct 5, 2014
Oct 5, 2014
Low pressure just compressor before start = almost 8 bar ( 116 psig )
after : 5 min = 1.4 bar ( 20 psig ) / 10 min = 2.2 bar ( 32 psig ) / 15 min = 3.3 bar ( 48 psig )

yes, not pumping.......or you've grossly overcharged it and it's still not pumping.
get a new system.

Might be good lessons to be learned if you look up the dangers of "playing" with that particular refrigerant.


Jan 24, 2023
Jan 24, 2023
what bothers you about these indicators - on the condition that I put as weight what was written on the label - exactly 140 grams.
What indicators show that the compressor pumped

Refrigerant = Propane R290
Low pressure temperature Evaporator= 5 min ( -21 °C ) / 10 min ( -12.5 °C ) / 15 min ( -3.5 °C )
High pressure Condenser 5 min = 39 °C ( 12,4 bar / 180 psig ) , 10 min = 52 °C ( 16,8 bar / 244 psig ) , 15 min = 61 °C ( 20,2 bar / 290,2 psig )

I would be grateful for information on what temperatures I should have for my dryer to dry.
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