
11 results for : “digit-recognition”

Showing 1 to 10 of 11 projects.

Unlock Passwords With TinyML-based Digit Recognition

Perform the MNIST digit recognition on passwords using the TinyML approach on a tiny MCU.

Recognizing Mnist-based Handwritten Digits On M5stack Core2

Learn how to quickly develop a TinyML model to recognize drawn digits on touch interfaces with low-power MCUs.

3 Digit 7 Segment thermostat with K type thermocouple for Arduino Nano

This is an Arduino Nano 3-digit 7-segment thermostat design with Kicad schematic diagram and PCB.

Large 6 digit 7 segment LED clock using ATMega328P

A large Arduino based LED clock using 1.8" high digits for the hours and minutes and 0.8" for the seconds. A DS3231 provides and accurate time source and the clock features dimming of the display at night and ability to set time to the second. It is powered from a 12V regulated power supply and has reverse polarity protection to prevent damage.

Large 2.3″ 6 digit 7 segment display with SPI interface

A large LED display module to that aims to provide a solution were a larger version of the MAX7219 modules or similar is required. This uses the standard SPI interface and uses power logic shift registers for each digit.

Digital Dice

This project describes how to design a true random number generator from 1 to 6 with a 7-segment 1-digit LED display.

All About TM1637

In this tutorial, I am going to show you guys how to control the TM1637 4-Digit 7-Segment displays using an Arduino.

An Arduino based weigh scale controller for HX711 modules.

A digital Arduino based weigh scale controller for the commonly available HX711 modules and a load cell. The weight is displayed on a 5 digit display capable of indicating up to 99.999Kg. It uses a TPIC6B595 to drive the LED displays with multiplexing for lower component count. Can be assembled on Veroboard.

Make an IoT Automated Pet Feeder With Beaglebone Green

This automated IoT pet treat dispenser sends you an email when your dog or cat takes a treat.