Maker Pro

How to Send and Receive Messages Between a VPL and Your Browser Using a WebSocket

March 05, 2019 by Reginald Watson

Set up a WebSocket server using node.js to enable communication between Max/MSP and your browser.

In this article, you are going to learn how to send and receive OSC (open sound control) messages using Max/MSP with your browser. You can also follow this tutorial to send and receive OSC messages from Chuck and Pure Data (Pd) with your browser.

OSC is a protocol for communication between computers and other multimedia devices. This simple yet powerful protocol provides everything needed for real-time control of sound and other media processing while remaining flexible and easy to implement. It can be seen as the successor of the MIDI.

We will use the node.js to receive the messages and will forward these to the browser through a WebSocket server.

Required Installations

  1. In order to create a WebSocket server, download and install the latest version of node.js. From the link, go along with the setup process.
  2. Install which makes the communication between the browser and Max/MSP possible. Type the following command in the terminal to install npm install

Download and Run the Browser App

We need to get the examples folder from GitHub and install the dependencies using NPM (node package manager). The examples require the latest stable version of node.js (>= v0.12.0) to be installed.

Type the following command to clone the repository from GitHub:
github clone && cd osc-examples

Then type npm install to install the dependencies.

Inside the folder, print.js - prints received messages from the MaxMSP, PD, or Chuck OSC examples. It also sends one message back every second.

socketio.js - demonstrates communicating through OSC with a web browser in real time using and node.js to translate messages to and from Max/MSP, PD, or Chuck.

Now we need to run the socketio.js. Move to the directory of the example folder in the CMD and type node socketio.js.

the directory of the example folder in the cmd

Next, you will need to open the test web page in a web browser. You can see in the output of the node script that the HTTP server is listening on port 8080.

To open the page, you will need to open the IP address of your Pi at port 8080 in the format of http://x.x.x.x:8080. Replace x.x.x.x with the IP address of your system.

open the IP address of your Pi at port 8080

Run Max/MSP

To run the Max/MSP sketch, go to the Max folder and run the osc.maxpat file. 

go to the Max folder and run the osc.maxpat file

To send the data from Max/MSP to the browser, type /socketio 40 44 in the space highlighted in the image below and the data will be printed on the browser side.

type “/socketio 40 44” in the space highlighted

To send the data from the browser to the Max/MSP, type the data that you want to send on the browser side and it will be printed on the Max/MSP side.

type the data that you want to send on the browser side

Similarly, you can send and receive the data from Chuck and PD using your browser.


Reginald Watson

I love challenging myself by creating new projects using different microcontrollers to see what I can come up with.

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