Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Alcoholic Geek?


The Real Andy

Jan 1, 1970
Back when engineering was cool, and when you went to uni to learn how
to drink beer, I decided I wanted to be an engineer. I was already an
electrician, so i could already drink beer. Then I found out that only
civil and mechanical engineers drink beer these days, so I quit uni.
By then I was already making them fibreglass board things with little
plastic things on. Then I discovered microcontrollers. Then I
discovered that engineers cant write code for shit, and in fact should
be banned from writing code. Thats when i decided to become a software

Soooo, by this stage i am guru woth the old 6800 and z80 and later on
the 8086 things. Then i did C, and then i did c++. Turns out these
days if you write software and you know asm, then you are instantly a
geek. Well I'll be fucked. I am an alcoholic geek. I though thems only
drank jolt cola?

It gets worse though, I love macs, yet i hate linux (Actully i dont
hate it, ijust cant be fucked) and I write windows software. SO iam a
mentally challenged geek too.

Whats really strange, is when i am writing my c++ and c#, my brain
always thinks asm. When i allocate an int, i think hang on, i can do
that in a byte. When i allocate memory, i think, hey, that pointer is
just pointing to a physical address in the memory map. Pffft, them VB
programmers wouldnt know a physical address from an abstract data

Anyhow, i am just bored, but this is waht i am drinking atm its yummy

John Woodgate

Jan 1, 1970
dated Thu said:
It gets worse though, I love macs, yet i hate linux (Actully i dont
hate it, ijust cant be fucked)

The said:
electrician, so i could already drink beer. Then I found out that only
civil and mechanical engineers drink beer these days, so I quit uni.

You went to the wrong school. The quantity of beer consumed annually by
the average electronic engineering major in my neck of the woods would
be sufficient to refloat a beached whale.
that in a byte. When i allocate memory, i think, hey, that pointer is
just pointing to a physical address in the memory map. Pffft, them VB
programmers wouldnt know a physical address from an abstract data

That pointer is pointing to a _VIRTUAL_ address in the_VM's_ memory
map. It is the VMM's responsibility to page out the underlying physical
RAM when something else needs it more, and page it back in when your
script kiddie program needs it.

Any mention of Visual BASIC automatically revokes your geek status.
Shunned by all, where do you turn next?

The Real Andy

Jan 1, 1970
You went to the wrong school. The quantity of beer consumed annually by
the average electronic engineering major in my neck of the woods would
be sufficient to refloat a beached whale.

That pointer is pointing to a _VIRTUAL_ address in the_VM's_ memory
map. It is the VMM's responsibility to page out the underlying physical
RAM when something else needs it more, and page it back in when your
script kiddie program needs it.

And the virtual address is????
Any mention of Visual BASIC automatically revokes your geek status.
Shunned by all, where do you turn next?

So there it is, I am fucked. I spent plenty of time writing Visual
BAsic. Its crap and i dont like it, but if you pay me i will do it. IT
could be worse, it could be visual c++ (pukes). Its not often you will
hear a c++ programmer say this, but give me c# anyday.

Tim Wescott

Jan 1, 1970
You went to the wrong school. The quantity of beer consumed annually by
the average electronic engineering major in my neck of the woods would
be sufficient to refloat a beached whale.

That pointer is pointing to a _VIRTUAL_ address in the_VM's_ memory
map. It is the VMM's responsibility to page out the underlying physical
RAM when something else needs it more, and page it back in when your
script kiddie program needs it.
You've been spending your time with those bloated 32 bit things.

Y'know, you don't _have_ to turn on the memory management unit.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

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