Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino Uno Project Help


Aug 4, 2017
Aug 4, 2017
Hey everyone. I haven't done anything electronics related in over 11 years and what I did do was on breadboards for highschool.

I'm trying to make my sister a mellohead (
) as a present but I'm stuck at the electronics.

This "tutorial" is kind of terrible and I basically used it as a parts list:

LED Strip x2:

Arduino Uno:

Power Source:

So, the setup has a rocker switch but I know how to wire that in after research. The parts list also called for 1k resistors, but I don't know if they are needed or where they would even go. I did some resea rch and it seems the only one I need is between the switch and the arduino uno.

My main question is, how to I wire in the led's to arduino uno? I've seen quite a bit of conflicting information on the internet so I figured if I asked for a specific configuration, I'd have better luck wiring this helmet.

Thanks for the help in advance, if you need any more info, let me know.


Oct 5, 2014
Oct 5, 2014
I had a look on youtube and under the actual video is a list ( more that you supplied here) of all the parts used including the code.
One would think the Op would have taken the time to sketch out a circuit diagram but it seems the response to additional info is "don't have the time". Perhaps he doesn't know.
A small amount of experience with Arduino would get it up and running assuming the code is correct.
Any load over a few milliamps connected to the Arduino will have to be done via a transistor or better still, a mosfet as a switch.
The 1K resistor, no idea what he refers that to but it definetely does not go between any power switch and the Arduino.
As for the bad language in the video, unnecessary.
I'd be looking elsewhere for projects in the future,