Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ATMEGA88 low parts programmer


Mr G

Jan 1, 1970
Im just wondering if anyone can be in the right direction for a hardly no parts Atmega 88 serial programmer. I've found plenty of basic parallel port ones and ISP serial ones, but haven't been able to find one that just solely programs the atmega88 out of circuit with minimal parts.

Rich Webb

Jan 1, 1970
Im just wondering if anyone can be in the right direction for a hardly
no parts Atmega 88 serial programmer. I've found plenty of basic
parallel port ones and ISP serial ones, but haven't been able to find
one that just solely programs the atmega88 out of circuit with minimal parts.

Perhaps I don't understand the question, but isn't the only difference
between an in-system programmer and one that works "out of circuit" that
the out of circuit programmer would need to provide Vcc, GND, and CLK?

The ATmega88 datasheet gives a complete description of the serial
programming sequence.