Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Audiolab 8000A domestic amp from 1983



Jan 1, 1970
serial number over 300000
Does anyone have the schematic of the version that uses 2 x AL8AN and 2x
AL8AP each channel rather than the schematic I have, that uses 1 2SA1216 and
1 2SC2922, there are other differences. (Working email address for intial
contact (no attachements) on the URL below).
And the value of the ps large electrolytics as LCR coded, one has obviously
been leaking .

Accidents waiting to happen , 4 E-line transistors per channel with bare Al
strip glued either side of the flats. One dropped off, 1 nearly dropped off
and the other 2 fell by just vaguely touching with a meter probe.
Usual Audiolab connected series of 10 or more burnt components, in one
channel plus other failures