Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Best surface material for IR sensor touch table?

Steve Peart

Sep 16, 2015
Sep 16, 2015
Hey all,

I am looking for the best (hopefully not crazy expensive) material that would diffuse LED light, but allow Infrared light to pass through and still pass back to an IR sensor?

Making a multiplexed LED touch table and want it to light up and diffuse the "pixels" on the table, but not interfere with the IR reflective sensors to detect touch.

I am using NeoPixels for the LEDS and the TCRT5000 Reflective IR sensor for each pixel.

Ideas? Thanks in advance!

Steve Peart

Sep 16, 2015
Sep 16, 2015

Obviously your remote for the TV is covered with a material that allows IR to pass through, but doesn't have the problem of also receiving IR reflected back. I realize that whatever material is used there could be some diminished signal that makes it all the way back through but I am hoping that this is just a calibration issue for detecting that you've "touched" the surface.

I've found varying degrees of information online about plexiglass being something that IR passes through but nothing concrete about whether it can pass through essentially twice, so it can get back to the IR filter part of the sensor.