Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CTC 203 question.



Jan 1, 1970
I know there are a lot of versions of this chassis. I have
repaired one with intermittent no video, just raster, &
no audio..unusuble signal displayed. The PIP board was
bad. I have found a couple of these bad, ( & there are
many versions). Can't locate the one with the large IC,
with s-video, audio/video input, & audio out. Tritronics,
& Global have no stock, & their expensive. Anywhere
else I can get the PIP module? I don't have the part #
home, & can't post from work. Sky.

Jason D.

Jan 1, 1970
give me the part number please...


These are called F2PIP module.

The big IC is rarely (ever) fails. Two possible problems are:
3.3V regulator not working properly (check the voltage set bias
resistors for LM317). On one, I fixed F2PIP module by resoldering the
IC's reset pin to a cap, produces different horizontal band of exact
same height as PIP window.

Be very sure you diagnose them THROUGHLY because the F2PIP modules is
no longer available and the IC for these is 100+ canadian dollars.

By the way, I have remember that I have NOT see a PIP IC fail.
Second, some very late model of CTC195 and 197 uses this same PIP IC.
Check your partfinder II under with the IC part number "Part Pricing",
"where used" button to see which other chassis use same parts. Very
USEFUL for robbing parts from other junk chassis stuff.

Cheers, Wizard