Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CTC187 RCA - Tuner problem ?



Jan 1, 1970
Hi ,

Having this unit RCA Model F32672SB CTC187 with a problem on the channel 4.

With the volume down , image is OK .

When increasing the volume , sound is "blasting" and image is very bad.

Any idea ?

Why only on one or two channels ?

Dan K

Jan 1, 1970
Max said:
Hi ,

Having this unit RCA Model F32672SB CTC187 with a problem on the channel

With the volume down , image is OK .

When increasing the volume , sound is "blasting" and image is very bad.

Any idea ?

Why only on one or two channels ?

I think that's one of the TV's that had all the chassis grounding problems
that led up to a class action suit against RCA. If you search the web for
"rca ctc 187" you should find more information than you want about this
problem. If its a 10+ year old TV that was fairly inexpensive to begin with
I would say you'd be better off just to toss it and buy a new one
(preferably not RCA).