Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Electrocution Guaranteed!


Don Klipstein

Jan 1, 1970

I consider electrocution *NOT* guaranteed!

For that matter, "The Chair" sometimes requires its condemnees to be
subjected to more than one jolt. And sometimes death comes from either
outright cooking of vital organs or paralyzing breathing long enough to
deprive the brain of oxygen long enough to make it unable to restart
breathing when the jolt ends.

Please also consider that lack of electrocution is similarly unreliable
with a level of shock that is "safe" by less than an order of magnitude or

Also keep in mind how high the body count is from 110-120 volts AC
(as opposed to higher voltages) due to carelessness that people willingly
engage in due to the high survival rate!

- Don Klipstein ([email protected])