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Electronics Engineers Questions


Nov 10, 2023
Nov 10, 2023
So I am a first year student in electronics engineering and wanted to ask a couple of question for my project in Communications and Engeeniring

1. How did you get into electronics and what lighted your passion for the trade?

2.What are some struggle you went through work and how did you manage to get out of them

3.Does team work matter in engineering and or working alone is the most productive way to finish a project ?

4.What are some concrete example that team work helped you with your work.


Feb 19, 2021
Feb 19, 2021
1. How did you get into electronics and what lighted your passion for the trade?

Age ~ 10, was fascinated with radios and TVs, I was tearing them apart, saving
the components. Soon started using them in simple things like one transistor
radio, light activated relay......

2.What are some struggle you went through work and how did you manage to get out of them

My first job as EE a production engineer on a PMOS line. Became interested
in applying what is now "big data" to yield analysis and prediction. Boss did
not want me spending time on computer. So after work used mainframe and
punched cards to enter data and started looking at results. Got to the point
some conclusions were drawn and made presentation to boss. Rest is history,
used it to identify tests systems with problems. EEs are like the general popu-
lation, can be resistant to change (some).

3.Does team work matter in engineering and or working alone is the most productive way to finish a project ?

Both are true. Depends on project, sometimes politics, sometimes resistance,
funding, and need in some projects for multi discipline participation.

4.What are some concrete example that team work helped you with your work.
As a production engineer often needed process and test engineering to work
on an issue that was intertwined in its path to improve yield. Other times
design engineering often needed participation of production engineers
to try and apply changes to a device.

Regards, Dana.


Nov 10, 2023
Nov 10, 2023
Greetings Dana,

I hope you are having a great day,

Thank you so much for your answers. I am really excited I finally got an response , I really appreciate that you took the time to help me with my project and and your expertise and perspective of things will definetly make a difference on the outcome of my project .


Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
Thank you so much for your answers. I am really excited I finally got an response
First rule! Don't get caught in a loop.
You just made one!
By posting the same darn thing.
Therefore I'm allowed to respond!
Engineering is a fast-growing and in-demand field requiring complex expertise and interdisciplinary knowledge across different areas of science and technology.
All projects I have been assigned require an integration of knowledge and skills from a wide range of scientific disciplines in the United States I am technically and Electronic Technician the curriculum has changed between an Electronic Technician and electronic engineering.
(This is not a special case; a "niche" it is what the industry is demanding!)
The distinctions between them blurring massively. The positions I have held have been replaced by electronic engineers also I have occupy positions designated for electronic engineers.
i have become a liaison in order to collaborate with Scientists,Engineers
and the general Public.
Concentrate on: Mathematics,physics.The
computational analysis is dependent on individual scientific disciplines.
Material science's Metallurgy,Chemistry.
If you do not heed my warning, you will be left behind!!!
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