Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ethenol, Methane, Diesel???

so, given all those cows with mad cow desease, put them in a tank to
.... uhhh... cure.... which result would be best way to use them for
fuel? :)
animal tallows can be used for biodiesel. or the whole animal could be
tossed into the biodigester.
Perhaps those folks who burn or bury them will see this tongue in
cheek post, and attempt to use destroyed animals for just such a use.
I wonder if it is worth the calculations to determine the monetary
value of a herd of cattle that is normally just burned or buried under
these circumstances. Or for that matter, any other animals that are
generally destroyed, e.g., collected road kills from a city highway
system, or dogs and cats euphanized by city pounds.
It wasn't tongue in cheek, was it? I was being serious.
You were, and as with all my "tongue in cheek" postings of the past, I
always hope it will start some serious considerations. I am certain
that all animal wastes could indeed be used as opposed to buried or
burned, (shades of soyent green) but I have no way personally of
starting a process rolling other than tease the community with the
obvious waste occurring all around us, and hopefully spark a serious
conversation and rethinking by those more capable than myself to
either expose the waste, or expose the cost of such an idea.

Bob Adkins

Jan 1, 1970
Perhaps those folks who burn or bury them will see this tongue in
cheek post, and attempt to use destroyed animals for just such a use.
I wonder if it is worth the calculations to determine the monetary
value of a herd of cattle that is normally just burned or buried under
these circumstances. Or for that matter, any other animals that are
generally destroyed, e.g., collected road kills from a city highway
system, or dogs and cats euphanized by city pounds.

How about Uncle Joe, who has a great big beerbelly?


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Fred B. McGalliard

Jan 1, 1970
Like Nukes, fluidised bed combusters , Depolymerisiation .
None of which will be home basement tech anytime soon by my take .

Your idea of a home is too low tech. I like tech. It makes all my education
worth something.

Fred B. McGalliard

Jan 1, 1970

I extracted the following.
"Not sure where the americium was located, he wrote to an electronics firm
in Illinois. A customer-service representative wrote back to say she'd be
happy to help out with "your report." Thanks to her help, David extracted
the material. He put the americium inside a hollow block of lead with a tiny
hole pricked in one side so that alpha rays would stream out. In front of
the block he placed a sheet of aluminum, its atoms absorb alpha rays and
kick out neutrons. His neutron gun was ready.

The mantle in gas lanterns, the small cloth pouch over the flame, is coated
with a compound containing thorium-232. When bombarded with neutrons it
produces uranium-233, which is fissionable. David bought thousands of
lantern mantles from surplus stores and blowtorched them into a pile of ash.

To isolate the thorium from the ash, he purchased $1000 worth of lithium
batteries and cut them in half with wire cutters. He placed the lithium and
thorium ash together in a ball of aluminum foil and heated the ball with a
Bunsen burner. This purified the thorium to at least 9000 times the level
found in nature, and up to 170 times the level that requires NRC licensing.
But David's americium gun wasn't strong enough to transform thorium into

Note. alpha emitters are generally easily shielded. The alpha likes to stop
by bremstrahlung breaking and emits a bit of X-Rays and some electrons which
all stop very quickly. These are dangerous when inhaled in small particles,
and this is the danger in atomized plutonium. I never heard of making an
alpha source into a neutron source by the described conversion. I am not
expert in all this but this does sound a bit fishy to me based on my general
knowledge of neutron sources (which I thought were generally driven by high
energy protons), and alpha shielding. However, depackaging an alpha emitter
is a very uncool idea, rather akin to pulverizing asbestos. And
concentrating this known danger several hundred times by quantity, as well,
seems like a lousy way to make neutrons even if it does work. A small proton
accelerator would, I think, do the job quite nicely. Isn't that what the
nukes use? That's the source tube that causes the bomb to detonate at max
compression and is the tube that is unusual enough that it got some folk
arrested for trying to sell em to the Iraqi's around 10 years ago, as I

The thorium does, I think, carry a number of radioactive isotopes in it's
natural state. Not something you want to concentrate, and chemically rather
nasty (I think it is quite poisonous) Lithium? Other than being strongly
chemically active, I don't recall any really nasty chemical junk. I thought
lithium absorbed neutrons and gave off heat. Not exactly a good moderator
for a neutron multiplication chain reaction. I seem to recall a neutron
thorium chain reaction, so perhaps this could work if you had a good neutron
source and a good neutron reflector around it, and perhaps something to
thermalize the neutrons, like paraffin, or water. You do know that even if
he obtained no neutrons at all in this process, his chemical process is very
very nasty. Wow. And I thought I was bad making up rocket fuels in my
misspent youth.