Maker Pro
Maker Pro

FPGA Board Newsletter, November 2004


Tony Burch

Jan 1, 1970
FPGA Board Newsletter, November 2004
BurchED, Making FPGA Prototyping Easy

In this newsletter:
(1) Big sale!
(2) New products.
(3) PayPal, economy air, request for quotations.
(4) User website spotlight for November.
(5) Are you happy? What can we improve on?
(6) We are interested to hear from you.

(1) Big sale!
Our biggest news for November is the sale.
It is a massive sale! We are offering 10% to 25% off
all items. Please download our sale flyer at:
We have a significant 25% discount on B5-X300 boards.
If you haven't used a BurchED board before, now is
a great time to pick one up. Or if you are building
these into systems already, it is the ideal time to
get some more for your stock.

(2) New products.
Sometimes the simplest things, are the most useful.
We think this is true with our newest accessory,
the B5-Easy-Clips. They are a very quick way
of connecting FPGA I/O to an external circuit or
device. The signal clips are labelled for easy
identification. The B5-Easy-Clips page shows
some examples of how they can be used, including
with the B5-X300 and Sydney-X1:

(3) PayPal, economy airmail, request for quotations.
* If you are an Ebay user, then you are probably
familiar with PayPal. We now also accept payment
by PayPal (all countries).
* We are now also offering an Economy Airmail delivery
option, for reliable and lowest cost delivery to
anywhere in the world.
* Requesting quotations and proforma invoices is now
even easier. Just click the quotations or
proforma button on the order form, and we will
email it to you within 24 hours. Ask us for
a quote today!

(4) User website spotlight for November.
Randy Thelen, in California, USA.
Randy has put together a very interesting
website of resources and helpful notes, including
a "Getting Started" section, and a great UCF
file generator, written in Perl.

(5) Are you happy? What can we improve on?
We'd like to know if there is any aspect of our
service or products that you would like to be better.
If you found us to be pretty good so far, and if
you've been very happy with our service, we'd be
really grateful if you could email us a short
testimonial. Maybe something in a format like:

(6) We are interested to hear from you.
As always, we are interested to hear about your latest
projects and applications. Please drop me a line, any
time, at [email protected]