Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help wih FMCW radar project


Nov 12, 2016
Nov 12, 2016
I have a project where I need to map an area within 100 meters of a sensor (actually, a 180 degree view). Based on some quick research, I think the correct kind of sensor is a frequency modulating continuous wave radar operating at 77 Ghz which is the type of unit used in a lot of automobile automation. Ultimately, I need to get the signal to a PC where I can create code to build the map. I would appreciate some input for the forum as follows:

1. Is FMCW radar at 77 Ghz the best chice for this application?
2. Is there an existing system that "sweeps" an area or will I have to build something to mechanically point the sensor along the arc I want to map?
3. Is there a particular system of development kit that I can use to build a prototype?

Any help appreciated.