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Maker Pro

High frequency noise and barking dogs

I am sure that this subject has been brought up before but is there a
way to make your own high frequency noise to stop annoying dogs from

Theo v. Werkhoven

Jan 1, 1970
The carbonbased lifeform [email protected] inspired with:
I am sure that this subject has been brought up before but is there a
way to make your own high frequency noise to stop annoying dogs from

Fire up the BBQ, make sure it's stabile.
Wait till it's really ready to cook.
Put your pants down, take a deep breath and set yourself on the grill.

I'll bet that'll shut them doggies up!

Sorry, couldn't resist :).

My serious answer: I don't think any sound does what you want, no matter
how high or loud, it'll only make 'm bark louder probably.
There are collars with an electronic "ignition" that reacts when a it
detects barking, but that needs the owners to be equally annoyed as you
are (unless you are the owner of course).

LOL...very good!

Thanks for getting back to me. No, they are not my dogs..I would be
considerate enough to try and stop them from barking. They are my
neighbors dogs. They bark at every little thing. The most annoying is
9:30-10:00 at night and the one will stand there and bark and bark and
she never once will correct them. My husband thinks that there is some
type of high frequency you can put out that would deter them from
barking but I said the same as you that it would only make them bark
worse.....thanks again for your help. I'll try not to sit on any BBQ
though. ;o)

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee

Jan 1, 1970
I am sure that this subject has been brought up before but is there a
way to make your own high frequency noise to stop annoying dogs from

Actually, generating such noises are MORE likely to start barking

There are other (and better) ways to deal with barking than
abusing the animal involved.

Dr. Anton T. Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute.
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, ARS KC7GR,
kyrrin (a/t) bluefeathertech[d=o=t]calm --
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped
with surreal ports?"