Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I want to combine these two circuits into one. can someone help?


Jun 2, 2023
Jun 2, 2023
the circuit on the right is a darkness sensor while on the left is a motion detector using PIR. I want to combine these two circuits into one. The motion sensor must only function if the LDR detects darkness and it must not function if the LDR doesn't detect any darkness.

im making a school project, the circuit at the right is a darkness sensor using LDR and its steps and components are:
STEP 1 - Connect 555 timer IC on the breadboard
STEP 2 - Connect Pin 8 of 555 Timer to VCC of Battery
and Pin 1 of 555 Timer to GND of Battery
STEP 3 - Connect pin 4 to VCC and Connect pin 6 of 555 Timer to the pin 7 of 555 Timer
STEP 4 - Connect 330-ohm resistor to pin 7 and pin 8 of IC
STEP 5 - Connect 4.7uf polarized capacitor to pin 5 of IC and its negative side to the ground
STEP 6 - Connect 0.01uf ceramic capacitor to pin 6 of IC and its negative side to the ground
STEP 7 - Connect 4.7k ohm resistor on pin 2 of IC and its negative side to the ground
STEP 8 - Connect LDR to pin 2 and VCC
STEP 9 - Connect 470-ohm resistor to pin 3 of IC and connect its other side to the anode of the LED and its cathode to the ground
STEP 10 - Test if the circuit works

while the circuit on the left is a motion detector alarm using PIR (HC-SR501) and its steps and components are:
STEP 1 - Connect 555 timer IC on the breadboard and a 74HC04 IC
STEP 2 - Connect Pin 8 of 555 Timer to VCC of Battery
and Pin 1 of 555 Timer to GND of Battery. Also connect pin 14 of 74HC04 IC to VCC and pin 7 of 74HC04 IC to GND.
STEP 3 - Connect pin 4 to VCC and Connect pin 6 of 555 Timer to the pin 7 of 555 Timer
STEP 4 - Connect 100-kilo ohm resistor to pin 7 of 555 IC and its other side to the VCC
STEP 5 - Connect 4.7uf polarized capacitor to pin 7 of 555 IC and its negative side to the ground
STEP 6 - Connect 0.01uf ceramic capacitor to pin 5 of 555 IC and its negative side to the ground
STEP 7 - Connect a buzzer to pin 3 of 555 IC and its negative side to the ground
STEP 8 - Connect the pin 2 of 555 IC to pin 12 of 74HC04 IC
STEP 9 - Connect the GND of PIR to the ground, its power pin to the VCC and its Signal/output to the pin 13 of 74HC04 IC
STEP 10 - Test if the circuit works

do u have any suggestions on how we can merge the two circuit into one according to the said output?IMG_5236.jpegIMG_5225.png
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Oct 5, 2014
Oct 5, 2014
You have provided a "fritzing diagram" it is NOT a circuit diagram as such.
They are difficult to follow and to answer one at this end has to redraw your "fritzing" into something meaningful.(which isn't going to happen)
So, please provide a proper circuit diagram. Thanks


Jun 2, 2023
Jun 2, 2023
You have provided a "fritzing diagram" it is NOT a circuit diagram as such.
They are difficult to follow and to answer one at this end has to redraw your "fritzing" into something meaningful.(which isn't going to happen)
So, please provide a proper circuit diagram. Thanks
the post has been edited, thanks!!

Harald Kapp

Nov 17, 2011
Nov 17, 2011
@labyrinth02 : I deleted your other posts. Only one thread per topic. Posting the same topic multiple times is considered impolite.


Feb 1, 2023
Feb 1, 2023
You can use a microcontroller instead. That will be able to read multiple sensors at a time.