Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Issues with a VFD


May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024
So I make custom knives and leather items. We moved last February and I had to shut the knife shop down. I have just not got the knife shop set back up and went to plug my VFD drive in for the 2x72 grinder and got nothing on the screen. Thinking maybe the VFD got damaged during the move I ordered a cheap YL600 on Amazon just to get up and running. It arrived this past Tuesday and I wired it up and still got nothing on the screen. Usually you can hear the VFD power up and start running its fans. So thinking maybe they sent me a bad one I had Amazon send me another for replacement. I just hooked it up and again I am showing nothing on the screen and no fans running. The power I ran was the same as the other house. 220 volts from a 50 amp break in the distribution panel. I checked the power with a multimeter coming into the VFD as well as the outputs and I am getting what I am suppose to be getting. Not sure what the problem is here. I am hoping someone can steer me in the right direction on what I might check. Thank you. And let me know if you need any other info that you might need in order to give me some advise.


Oct 5, 2014
Oct 5, 2014
You will need to supply a LOT more detail on the unit if you want any help.
Things such as make, model any circuit diagrams, photos etc.


Feb 1, 2023
Feb 1, 2023
Inspect for any visible signs of damage on the VFD, such as burnt components or loose connections inside the unit.