Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Jim Williams - Analog Super-Guru/Super-Geek


Mar 24, 2011
Mar 24, 2011
I thought I would post this here, as its not really a dire need for anyone to look at, but recentyl there have been some sad passing(s), and there have been a couple that may have gone unnoticed.

I know this is a little late, as Jim Williams (Analog circuit super-guru) passed in June of this year, but I recently stumbled on a really cool exhibit that will be around for a bit, that people may not know about...

The computer history museum in Sunnyvale, California has recently added his workbench to their exhibits, and I just wanted to share the page, I'd personally love to see it, but California is a little out of reach for me at the moment.

Enjoy if you can, it'll be around until April!

P.S. if you happen to visit, post some pics, it looks like it could be really nifty looking!