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Maker Pro

LED Lights should we see the Watts or PPFD for Indoor Grow


Oct 5, 2014
Oct 5, 2014
That would have to be a lux meter........all else would be speculative.

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
For growing plants indoors with LED light fixtures we have to take both Watts & PPFD.... Why?
Because everyone remembers light bulbs & their power or brightness was indicated in Watts I'm speaking in layman terms.LEDs have replaced the light bulbs so everybody is familiar with those terms. Now throw in PPFD. Now we are speaking "Horticulture". Which is a science within itself.
So combine the two.
Now you have PPFD/W(Per Watt)
Photosynthetic Photon Flux or PPF measures the “photosynthetically active photons emitted by a
lighting system per second”. The key word is "synthetic" because it is artificial & not derived from the Sun) This measurement is expressed in μmol/s (A Metric). This metric is the “equivalent” of Lumens for plants.
Photon Efficacy or PPF/W refers to how efficient a horticulture lighting system is at converting
electrical energy into photons.
This measurement is expressed in μmol/J.
Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density or PPFD is a measurement
(metric) of the number of photosynthetically active photons that fall on a given surface each second.
It is expressed in μmol/m2 /s.
Day Light Integral or DLI is a cumulative measurement of the total number of photons that reach a given surface during the daily photoperiod.
DLI is expressed in mol/m2/d.
Now, all of this must be considered to do it properly & have an in-depth understanding of what you're trying to grow. That is why I asked "what are you growing???"
LED-based fixtures are being introduced with PPF/W values close to 3.0 mmol/J (for comparison the best HPS
(You have to be some work look up HPS) lamps are at 1.7 mmol/J).
It's all about wavelength or photosynthetic wavelength. Which is oxymoron.

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
That's an awful lot of Google research for an initial, first-time visitor 'bot' post......

As long as it was understood by even the most seasoned of us.
Besides if you've ever walked into a library and you take a look around you all the information all the answers are there but you need to know how to look and where to look for this brief moment in time this is our reality.
It is hard to imagine a world without Google. Thanks to Google’s search engine, we can know more than ever before, and most information we need is easy to access online. Of course, Google is neither the first nor the only online search engine available for us to use, but it is one of the best and by far the most popular. But what makes Google’s search engine so great? Me....
We are all bots... Human beings are ugly bags of water.
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Jul 13, 2020
Jul 13, 2020
I have only seen one thing grow in synthetic light. Very fine moss. If you use LEDs to power a stabilizing system, after the plants get their second and third leaves, it should work, if you don't have any thing else, but where folks usually want instant grow, fast fruiting and robust buds, the best option is hydroponic, and they recommend experimenting due to the difference between light indexes along the longitudes, and topography. There is a lot of differences there, and I personally, decided that, if the light index is the key to proper growth, which we think it is....
That experiments at ones own grow locations will be required to find out. Pure compost, in a slow drain container, with plenty of sunshine produces some amazing fruits my friend!!! You have to cook the grass cuttings for 2 years in a digester that is tended and turned a few times a long the way.... Quite an experience.

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
I have only seen one thing grow in synthetic light. Very fine moss
My friend what is sunlight from a plant's perspective?
Photons! Agriculture has come a long way..
acres and acres in fact are used with LED lighting.A little more research is necessary. I would start with the US department of agriculture.!!
You still have to contend with Monsanto and their genetically modified seeds. You got to pay percentage to them when you sell your crop.
Even then a lot of people don't realize that seeds have been genetically modified the very "second time" we planted anything in the ground.
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