Maker Pro
Maker Pro



Oct 29, 2010
Oct 29, 2010
My project am trying to do is to wire up a bunch of leds and connect them to my computers power supply.

Each led has a rating of .020 to .030 ohms and a forward voltage of 3.0 to 3.3 volts.

Given that what I would like to know is if I wire 4 of them togeather one after the other making a total of 12 volts and then put the positive connection on the positive side and negitive on the negeitive side would this work or do I still need a resitor with a very small value to regulate the voltage.

Also to expand this can I tie say 10 or 12 groups like this togeather the other way to give more light to my project.

Last edited:


Jul 31, 2009
Jul 31, 2009
Each led has a rating of .020 to .030 ohms and a forward voltage of 3.0 to 3.3 volts.

You mean Amperes, not Ohms.

Given that what I would like to know is if I wire 4 of them together one after the other making a total of 12 volts and then put the positive connection on the positive side and negitive on the negative side would this work or do I still need a resitor with a very small value to regulate the voltage.

If you want an undefined current and a brightness that changes with the CPU load then surely you can get away with 4 LED's in series on 12V using no (or very small) resistors.

Also to expand this can I tie say 10 or 12 groups like this together the other way to give more light to my project.

You mean in parallell. Yes, certainly.