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Napco Magnum Alert 1008e & Alarm software


Jedd Haas

Jan 1, 1970
hi Guys, I have a Napco Magnum Alert 1008e panel and the matching keypad.
Alarm hasn't been operational for a number of years and I have no codes.
Is it possible and worthwhile to get this panel going again? If so, what
software do I need and how to I get into the panel to install new codes &

Or should I upgrade to a new panel?

With upgrading in mind, what programming software do you guys like the
best? I want to select the software, then I'll pick a panel that works
with it.


Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Robert L. Bass said:
I can get you the software for free.

So can his local dealer.
Napco panels usually last a long time.
I have some which we installed over 20 years ago that are still in

Now, Robert... This statement is a trifle misleading don't you think?? You
haven't actually personally *serviced* these units for over seven years, so
how would you know that they're "still in service"?? Didn't the wife wind
up with your company after the divorce?? Aren't you in Florida and aren't
the systems you installed "twenty years ago" in Connecticut?? Give us a

Jedd Haas

Jan 1, 1970
"Frank Olson" said:
So can his local dealer.


Now, Robert... This statement is a trifle misleading don't you think?? You
haven't actually personally *serviced* these units for over seven years, so
how would you know that they're "still in service"?? Didn't the wife wind
up with your company after the divorce?? Aren't you in Florida and aren't
the systems you installed "twenty years ago" in Connecticut?? Give us a

Ok Frank, now that you've busted the other guy's balls, maybe you want to
tell me your opinion? What do you think of Napco, and the 1008e panel?

Also, are there any options for the keypad besides the plastic keypad that
Napco makes? It got kind of finicky when I used it a number of years ago.

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Jedd Haas said:
Ok Frank, now that you've busted the other guy's balls, maybe you want to
tell me your opinion?
It wasn't my intention to "bust balls".... Bass has been filling the
newsgroup with his particular brand of marketing vitriol for years. There
is no conceivable way he could have been in the trade for twenty plus years.
He received his Connecticut L-6 in 1983. He got his L-5 in 1989. He opened
his online store in 1996 and moved to Florida in 1999. All of the above
dates are verifiable through Google. At best he has 16 years "in the
trade", but I sincerely doubt that as he was actively "managing a small
moderately successful central station alarm company". If you take a minute
to think about it, Bass would have you believe that he opened his alarm
company in 1979 (the same year he was convicted of a felony assault) without
any previous experience in the business and *no customer base*. He's taken
bullshit to a whole new art form...
What do you think of Napco, and the 1008e panel?

The panel's practically "bullet proof". That having been said, what is it
you are looking to do? If you're thinking of incorporating some home
automation, or expanding beyond the limited number of on board zones, then I
figure you're going to be looking at an upgrade. The *last place* I would
by *any* security products or information from is Bass. Not only is he more
expensive than most of the online dealers and stores out there, he's also a
world class fraud.

Some online dealers are listed here:

Some online stores you may want to look at are (all of them enjoy excellent
reputations in the group where "DIY" rules, "comp.home.automation"):

Also, are there any options for the keypad besides the plastic keypad that
Napco makes? It got kind of finicky when I used it a number of years ago.

I think you'll find *most* of the keypads for any of the alarm controls
manufactured today are plastic. You have limited options with the 1008e
panel, though. If you need replacement parts, I'd contact Jim Rojas at

Good luck!!

Frank Olson
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Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Robert L. Bass said:
The local dealer *can* get the software for the gentleman. In actual
practice though, very few dealers will give it to him at any cost, let alone
do so for free.

Heh... right...

Olson has no idea what I've serviced or when. In point of fact, many of my
old clients are still in touch with me. I took care of these people for
more than 20 years before selling the business to a firm which belongs to
two good friends in the trade.

Olson has a very good idea of exactly what you "serviced"... You've been
filling the newsgroup with your bullshit for years.

No, but even if she had that would not be any of Olson's business.

He's too short to reach.

How would you know, fat boy?? We've never met...

Olson has never installed alarms for a living and has no experience with or
knowledge of the MA-1008e system. He works as a counter salesman in a small
distributor in Vancouver, Canada.

Typical... so-o-o typical... You have absolutely *no idea* where I work,
let alone what I've done... OK, fat boy... why don't you tell us the name
of my so called "small distributor in Vancouver, Canada". Go ahead,
Bassy... I'm sure you've looked through the Vancouver Yellow Pages and
identified all the "distributors" here. I'll bet you even called them all
lookin' for me. So, tell us... where do I work?? You're a liar, a fraud,
and the biggest turd in the industry. As for my knowledge of Napco
products... I'd say it's a good deal more than what you've actually
*demonstrated* you know about Ademco, Paradox, Visonic, the list goes on...

Frank Olson
Free listings for qualified dealers and industry professionals
You can read the ASA FAQ at

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Ok Frank, now that you've busted the other guy's balls, maybe you want to
tell me your opinion? What do you think of Napco, and the 1008e panel?

Also, are there any options for the keypad besides the plastic keypad that
Napco makes? It got kind of finicky when I used it a number of years ago.

This link lists all the accessories available from Napco (including the
installation manual). Like I said, if you need any replacement parts I'd
contact Jim Rojas at, (or the software):

Frank Olson
Free listings for qualified dealers and industry professionals
You can read the ASA FAQ at

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Group Moderator said:
Subject: Re: Napco Magnum Alert 1008e & Alarm software
From: "Frank Olson" [email protected]
Date: 9/18/2004 9:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <X353d.447437$M95.320887@pd7tw1no>

You mean he's *not* fat?? :))

Mike Said:
Robert L. Bass AKA Goofy Bass - Bo Bo - Larry Roberts - SCUD and many more is
bloated due to heart problems.

<snip> You should really read one small "a"...

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
<snip> You should really read one small "a"...

Mike Said:
I did - Nothing about chest pains and heart problems in there - Maybe you
should add it. Frank Ryckman Jr.

Geeze, you're "thick". I wasn't referring to the "chest pains and heart
problems"... I was referring to *this* line:

Frank Olson

Jan 1, 1970
Group Moderator said:
Geeze, you're "thick". I wasn't referring to the "chest pains and heart
problems"... I was referring to *this* line:

Mike Said:
What is wrong with that line. He was and is known by these names in other
groups and all around the web. Now if I called him Dick Lycker then you have a

His first name's not Richard, but if it was... now there's a can of worms I
don't even want to think about... :))

So, by your response, it would be all right for me to call him "Bo-Bo",
"Scud", or "Goofy Bass", (because people "know him" by these names in other
groups), but not "asshole", "jerk", or "bullshit artist" (even though he's
all these as well). What is it you're smokin' these days?? :))

If you're gonna quote "chapter and verse", and call others to account for
when they stray from the FAQ, then you're gonna have to live by it too...
Or do you have a special "ASA Dispensation"?? If you answer in the
affirmative, what committee of participants conferred it upon you?? And
please don't say it was you and a couple of "old tyme ASA members" (who will
forever be anonymous)...

Frank Olson
Free listings for qualified dealers and industry professionals
You can read the ASA FAQ at