Maker Pro
Maker Pro

New 30gb iPod Video!


martin griffith

Jan 1, 1970
On 5 Nov 2005 12:48:31 -0800, in
I think Apple is doing a terrific job with the iPod--look at this specs
Whats all that class action stuff going on at the moment?

<mini rant>
Just wondering what they left out of the specs, can you imaging a
consumer device actually having a legally binding specification these
</mini rant>

Whats all that class action stuff going on at the moment?

Bullshit, really - people claiming the iPod nano is too scratchable.
It's nonsense.
<mini rant>
Just wondering what they left out of the specs, can you imaging a
consumer device actually having a legally binding specification these
</mini rant>

Most jurisdictions have an implied warranty of fitness for purpose,
e.g. you can't advertise a VCR as being capable of frying eggs.

John Woodgate

Jan 1, 1970
I read in that [email protected] wrote (in
Most jurisdictions have an implied warranty of fitness for purpose,
e.g. you can't advertise a VCR as being capable of frying eggs.

Unless it could, but then UL wouldn't be happy bunnies.
John said:
Unless it could, but then UL wouldn't be happy bunnies.

I was in a training session with two UL guys not so long ago, and one
day one of them was late because his toaster caught fire. Of course, it
was a UL-listed toaster...

John Woodgate

Jan 1, 1970
I read in that [email protected] wrote (in
I was in a training session with two UL guys not so long ago, and one
day one of them was late because his toaster caught fire. Of course, it
was a UL-listed toaster...
..... but the bread wasn't, so it's misuse. (;-)

John Woodgate

Jan 1, 1970
I read in that John Larkin
What will be the longterm effects on the ears and minds of a generation
that is exposed to high-volume music most of their waking hours?

Some, but not all, may damage their hearing. Go to:

I did a very small survey of young people, which suggested that they are
a bit more sensible than some people give them credit for.