Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PCB layout tips?


Mar 28, 2014
Mar 28, 2014
Hi, I’ve designed a really cool Stylophone-type keyboard with wrap-around keys for the second generation of my electronic ‘bagpipe’ project (discussed in a couple of audio threads here; see the image of my latest prototype below). The wrap-around keys work great! I’ve also got sharp/flat keys accessible both above and below the main keys.

Now I think I want to have a real circuit board fabricated. I’m a former graphic designer who hasn’t chased technology in a long time. I was thinking of designing the board in an old graphics program, saving the file(s) as PDF(s) and converting to Gerber files here:

Has anyone used that service? Has anyone gone from PDF to Gerber? Are there likely to be any glitches?

My main question though is about how to set up the graphics file. As a graphic designer, working in print, files always had to have crop marks and registration marks. Do I need to include anything like that in my graphics files for the PCB? Or is the edge of the document the edge of the board? And, I assume people do boards with rounded corners. Should I just draw an arc at each corner of the document? Otherwise, I’m assuming I need a separate page/graphic for top copper traces, bottom copper traces, drill holes, solder mask, and silkscreen. If I want holes in the corners for set-offs, they can be on the same page as the drill holes for components, right? Even though I‘d want a larger hole for the set-offs?

It all seems like a no-brainer to me, in terms of design for a 2-sided board. It’s super easy, in a vector-based graphics program, to layout everything in a master document, copy everything to a series of pages or new documents, and then eliminate everything except the solder masks on one page, everything except the drill holes on another page, etc.

I just need to know how to indicate the edges/corners of the board. Should I create a slightly larger document and just draw a rectangle with rounded corners for the border of the board?



Mar 28, 2014
Mar 28, 2014
Well, is there any chance someone could take a look at the attached PDF and tell me if the drawings on each page look like they could possibly be turned into Gerber files and fabricated into a Stylophone-type keyboard? I've got questions/notes across the top of most of the pages.

I need to know what I'm not thinking about, what I've gotten wrong, and if I've gotten anything right. THANKS!

I think the reaconverter site mentioned above claims to convert EPS files to Gerber files. All of my drawings were done in an old vector-based drawing program and saved as EPSs.


  • KeyboardFiles.pdf
    317.9 KB · Views: 3


Jun 25, 2010
Jun 25, 2010
Why do the 'plated through holes' differ between top and bottom?


Mar 28, 2014
Mar 28, 2014
So, you looked at the PDF? I’m not sure what you’re asking. Between the top side and bottom side of the board? Or between the top and bottom of the Copper Top layer? I explained in a note that some of holes could just be drilled and plated for soldering on the bottom side. Some of the holes need to be what I think is called “vias” (please correct me if that‘s the wrong term). They must go from copper pads or traces on the top to copper traces on the bottom.

I thought eliminating a pile of the plated-through holes, if they don’t need to be plated through, might save some money. It’s a pretty large board, after all.