Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC - Serial Comms


paul watson

Jan 1, 1970

I am currently using a PIC16F877, Hitech Complier, PICDEM 2 PLUS board and
an ICD2 debugger-programmer. I want to send data from my PC to the serial
port of the PICDEM 2 PLUS board via the following code below. The software
works fine if I 'step-thro' the code and it goes into the 'if (RCIF) {'
branch and stores the data sent from the PC. If I switch to 'Run' mode the
software will not enter the 'if (RCIF) {' branch and store the sent data -
why ???



serial_init(); // serial port setup

TRISB = 0x00;

PORTB = 0x00;

while(1) {

if (RCIF) {

RB1 = 1;

// serial received

rst = RCSTA; // essential to read this register first !

// check for over-run errors

overflow = sci_CheckOERR();

// check for framing errors

framing = sci_CheckFERR();

// Get 2 Bytes of Information

receive = sci_GetByte();

receiveA = sci_GetByte();

// Need to empty RCREG;

RCREG = 0;




Why is the run mode not working while the step-thro mode for the same
software code fine ??

Thanks for any help
