Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC Serial programming with AN 589


Wolfgang Roth

Jan 1, 1970
i am thinking about using Microchips application note 589 to programm other
pics than 16c84. Is it possible to use the source code and the appropriate
pins with a pic like 16F84 or others?

If i read the spec. correctly, it seems to be possible to use any other way
of paralell i/o to create the necessary signals for programming the pics. I
am thinking of using a USB based PIO interface to create these signals.

cu Wolfgang

Robert James Kaes

Jan 1, 1970
i am thinking about using Microchips application note 589 to programm
other pics than 16c84. Is it possible to use the source code and the
appropriate pins with a pic like 16F84 or others?

I can't comment on all the information in AN589, but I have written a
couple of programmers for a 16f84, 16f627, and 18f258. I believe the
AN589 code will work unchanged with the 16f84, but you will need to make
some minor changes for the 16f627 and major changes for the 18f series
chips. I use a modified pic84 programmer from:

His board is a modified version of the AN589 board. I have completely
replaced his software though. In any case, either the AN589 board or the
one above will work with the 16f84 chip. Other chips will need

I hope this helps.
-- Robert