Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please help identifying a SMD chip "1025 0F1"


Thiemo Nordenholz

Jan 1, 1970

On a hard disk mount, there is a chip which, I guess, acts as a switch to
turn on and off the power supply to the hard disk drive depending on a
keyswitch's position.

However, the chip seems to have been fried by plugging in a ribbon cable
with slightly disaligned contacts. As this has happened on four such boards
before the error was found and corrected, it would be nice to replace the
defective components.

I have had no success in identifying those ICs, though - searching for the
identification printed on the chip ("1025 0F1", as far as I can tell) did
not yield any relevant information. The board itself is designated
"MR0ATA100PB", but I did not see even one google hit on this.

Does anyone have an idea what this might be, and where I can get a
replacement in small quantities? This would fit into the hard disk mount
much better than replacing it with discrete components...

In case it helps, I have put photos of the chip and the surroundings onto a
web page at

Thanks for any hints,
It might be a "hot swap switch," made for shutting down drives in
overcurrent conditions or on demand. Do you know where the rest of the
pins go?

Franc Zabkar

Jan 1, 1970
On a hard disk mount, there is a chip which, I guess, acts as a switch to
turn on and off the power supply to the hard disk drive depending on a
keyswitch's position.
In case it helps, I have put photos of the chip and the surroundings onto a
web page at

Could it be a dual P channel MOSFET?

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.