Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Propeller CLock Problem


A Student

Jan 1, 1970
Hey guys!
I am really impressed by the propeller clock built by Bob Click. It is
truly amazing. I am trying to build one myself. However, instead of
supplying the microcontroller with power from the motor, i am using a
small 9V battery with a LM7805 regulator that I can easily be plugged
on the board of the controller. I know the period of the motor (it is
fixed) .... however, I need to modify the code. How is the code
I am using a PIC 16F84A controller instead of the PIC 16C84 controller.
I made the necessary changes in the mclock3t.asm code of Bob Blick when
it comes to compatibale instructions. Now, i am having problems in the
'Change_index' subroutine because my period is constant and the power
supplied is independent of the motor.
Can you help me please.
Thanks ... have a nice day

A Student

Jan 1, 1970
mmmmm .... why is not anyone replying? There is no way to implement
such a design??

Fred Bloggs

Jan 1, 1970
A said:
mmmmm .... why is not anyone replying? There is no way to implement
such a design??

Nobody knows anything about Bob Click or Bob Blick and his propeller
clock, and then the usual crowd of pic-wits are off for the weekend.

Spehro Pefhany

Jan 1, 1970
Nobody knows anything about Bob Click or Bob Blick and his propeller
clock, and then the usual crowd of pic-wits are off for the weekend.

Make one for your beanie, Fred.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Spehro Pefhany

Jan 1, 1970
Ahhh- a pic-wit has returned...

Nah, most everything that pays decently these days requires at least a
32-bit processor (and preferably a bunch of wireless stuff).

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany