Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Push button, Increment LED Display Number schem

Pardon my newbieness, But I'm looking for a schemetic of how to
increment a 7 digit led display each time a button is is pushed. Must
be very robust. The display I want to use can be found at

Any thing similar or better would be greatly appreciated.

Function is to press button and change display.

Any Help?


Jan 1, 1970
Pardon my newbieness, But I'm looking for a schemetic of how to
increment a 7 digit led display each time a button is is pushed. Must
be very robust. The display I want to use can be found at

Any thing similar or better would be greatly appreciated.

Function is to press button and change display.

Any Help?

That will get you started. You will need to re-state your
question, once you understand about display segments. We don't
know if you want the display to increment a, b, c, d etc
or if you want it to increment 0, 1, 2, 3 etc.
