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Questions about ELF. Can someone PLEASE help me!


Dec 16, 2011
Dec 16, 2011
I have a question about ultra low electromagnetic frequencies that I am trying to detect, HAARP and satellite frequencies. I am a victim of electromagnetic and satellite harassment by HAARP technology.

What kind of frequency detector would pick up these frequencies? I am told ( I don't know if this correct), I need to filter out the 60 Hz + frequencies and pollution around me to pick up these frequencies.

Please see references to these frequencies that I am referring to.

HAARP (Please help me expose this technology!)


Your help will be extremely helpful! Thank you very much! :)
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Dec 13, 2010
Dec 13, 2010
Hello septembermorn42.
I dont want to be judgmental, but your YouTube link is a bit far fetched, technology surrounds us thats not about to change, unless your property is built in a power station, or a few meters from a high powered sub station, a big one, i would not lose much sleep over it, you could always set up home in a national park, yellow stones nice, i like yellow stone, oh yes i know its got or going to have some kind of natural earth fault going on, but i like yellow stone, i will risk it, wildlife out there copes alright. :rolleyes:


Dec 16, 2011
Dec 16, 2011
davelectronic: This is real technology. I did not get my information from the internet (or any where else).

I did not read about it somewhere and then say oh no and become paranoid of it.
I found out about it by actually being a victim of this hideous weapon!

For years I diligently searched the Internet trying to find something that even resembled the technology weapon that was being used on me, but I found nothing that resembled it. I also had no idea that there were thousands and thousands of other victims like myself being targeted with this same technology.

It wasn't until 10 years later when I was searching the Internet that I stumbled a crossed this HAARP technology that I once used to call seeing/hearing technology or radar/sonar tracker because of its ability to see and hear crystal clear through buildings, through clothing and skin and eaves drop into ANY conversation on and off the phone, and its ability to track a person anywhere. HAARP was exactly what I had been reporting to the authorities for years that was being used on me.

While continuing to research on this weapon I came a crossed HAARP and HAARP Weapon of Mass Deception on YouTube. In this video I saw exactly what I had been describing to the authorities, a technology that can see and hear crystal clear through walls, clothing and skin, and even remotely manipulate and control physical motor skills and manipulate the human mind, and tamper with the thoughts and emotions of a person. I am a stable person. This weapon is truly terrible, you can not image it, and here I saw in the video was exactly what I had described. (See video.)
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Apr 4, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
(High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program)
What kind of frequency detector would pick up these frequencies? I am told ( I don't know if this correct), I need to filter out the 60 Hz + frequencies and pollution around me to pick up these frequencies.

Good luck with that oxymoron!!!


Apr 4, 2010
Apr 4, 2010

It seems to work so well it has deceived you from rational thought process.
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Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
It seems to work so well it has deceived you from rational thought process.

indeed I agree with jackorocko, I have read and seen lots about HAARP
I am a victim of electromagnetic and satellite harassment by HAARP technology.

I severely doubt it!! thats a pretty wild accusation considering you have given no information on what you think the effects are to you etc

HAARP technology that I once used to call seeing/hearing technology or radar/sonar tracker because of its ability to see and hear crystal clear through buildings, through clothing and skin and eaves drop into ANY conversation on and off the phone, and its ability to track a person anywhere. HAARP was exactly what I had been reporting to the authorities for years that was being used on me.

HAARP CANNOT do any of that it is a transmitter ONLY it has NO ability track or see people in buildings. intercept phone calls, it doesnt even work on phone frequencies

Sorry to be harsh but you must be told.......
you are just another poor victim of conspiracy propaganda that is aimed at people with little or no scientific understanding.
they ( the conspiracy people ) use that advantage to fool those who dont know any better.... it is NOT and NEVER will be a hideous weapon !!

the links you provide are really just garbage !! :) dont believe them

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