Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Radio transmission of data to pc

I am looking for a way to monitor equipment remotely. I am hoping to
use radio transmitters to send a signal to a reciever connected to my
pc. I have some experience programming in a commercial environment but
have no idea how to go about achieving this.

Is radio the best way to go for low cost short distance wireless
communication or should i be looking at gprs or some other technology?

Captain Dondo

Jan 1, 1970
I am looking for a way to monitor equipment remotely. I am hoping to
use radio transmitters to send a signal to a reciever connected to my
pc. I have some experience programming in a commercial environment but
have no idea how to go about achieving this.

Is radio the best way to go for low cost short distance wireless
communication or should i be looking at gprs or some other technology?

Most economical is something like 802.11b/g with openwrt on the access
points, or even bluetooth.

If this is commercial, look at offerings from dupline or similar.

If you insist on rolling your own, there are radio modems out there but
be prepared to pay $1000 / end by the time you get all of the stuff you

Without know what you're trying to monitor, it's a bit hard to be more
specific. (Analog? DIO? Datarates? Reliability requirements? Life &
safety stuff or kind of nice to know stuff?)