Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA 205064 - 204809 (Attn: Bill R)

I just installed a 205064 replacement from Asti last week. It works.
There are minor physical differences. It's hard to get the HV wires to
connect properly and the gaskets won't fit. I found it nessecary to tin
the leads and cut the end diagonally to form a point. Hopefully it
holds up. If not on the next one I'll use some non-hardening silicone.
I'll let you know.

Asti has informed us that the 204809 FCBs are finally reliable after 3
or 4 revisions. So far so good. Send all the Asti 204809s you bought
back where you got them and eventually the new version will be there,
but for now order the part from Asti directly to assure you get a good

My boss seems to have a pretty good repoire with Asti, who told him
that they need samples of the OEM part when it is good to make a copy.
When you start getting an inkling that something is about to become NLA
you might want to contact them.

For example, we have a Sony RPTV in the shop with the bayonet from an
anode lead stuck inside the HVB. This is a newer set and a perfect
candidate, the part is fine, if we could only get that beyonet out.
Problem right now is the customer is dragging his feet on the estimate.

OK, everybody likes OEM parts, but when an aftermarket part keeps a
$2,000 TV out of the dumpster, I'll bite the bullet.
