Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA CTC 203 32" T.V.



Jan 1, 1970
Flyback was arcing badly, replaced, works, & looks perfect,
but momentarily shuts off, & right back on, even before you
can look back at the set. may work for hours, or happen twice
in a half hour. Unplugged the customer controls on top of the set,
to make sure the "tact" switches aren't "leaky". Anything common
here? Nothing on the Thomson B2B website. Sky.
Skype_man said:
Flyback was arcing badly, replaced, works, & looks perfect,
but momentarily shuts off, & right back on, even before you
can look back at the set. may work for hours, or happen twice
in a half hour. Unplugged the customer controls on top of the set,
to make sure the "tact" switches aren't "leaky". Anything common
here? Nothing on the Thomson B2B website. Sky.

Google groups search here for the ctc203 chassis.
Find the base driver coil that it seems you missed which is very common.

Jason D.

Jan 1, 1970
Google groups search here for the ctc203 chassis.
Find the base driver coil that it seems you missed which is very common.

Yes, you will find hot glue under that coil. Take the coil out and
clean carp (to get around the naughty filter) off and clear glue out
of the tiny hole in the PCB. Reinstall as usual.

This is also how this bad joint on coil of horizontal drive circuit
blows the HOT for 19, 20, 25 and 27" sizes of this CTC203 chassis.
Very occasionally I see one in ATC113. For other size 32" and 36" if
the solder is good on coil and no glue, 90% of time is fly killed the

To confirm the power supply is survivor, unsolder collector of the
shorted HOT and plug into isolated power. If voltage comes up and TV
responds then you're safe. But usually the power supply "scream" if
HOT is shorted, LOUDLY, my coworker can hear that 15 feet away.
Otherwise, 3 transistors more and a resistor, maybe a fuse all in
power supply area.

Cheers, Wizard

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