Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Relay to open/close circuit


May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024
Hello everyone,
I had initially posted something similar, but since this is a long post, I thought to write it here instead.

I am once again needing your help :)
I am not very electronic savvy, so I am just trying to understand just enough to implement the following:

We are trying to place a relay as shown in the diagram above.

As shown on the diagram, the contacts should be rated to 24 V DC and the current (although not mentioned in the diagram) is 12.5 A DC.
The voltage provided to the input of the relay will be 24 V DC as well.

(A little bit of background information about the input: the 24 V input comes from a interlock distribution box which can be activated when the door in our lab is closed; when the door is opened, the voltage cuts off).
So basically, what we want is the relay switch to open the circuit and stop laser usage when the door opens.
We had mistakenly bought this relay: ,which is not suitable since the contact current rating is very low.
(Here is a video of its operation:
; we are trying to do something similar)
Can you please recommend a similar relay that would do the same function, but rated for the desired contact current rating (>12.5 A DC)
Please provide me with any suggestion you might have since I am very new to this.

Best regards,


Feb 19, 2021
Feb 19, 2021
So basically, what we want is the relay switch to open the circuit and stop laser usage when the door opens.

So basically you want one relay, one switch to power laser, and its coil energized by another relay/switch
that door closed energizes the main relay coil.

Power >> Main Relay Contacts DPST >> Laser
Power>> Switch to turn on SPST >> Door switch SPST >> Main Relay coil >> Power

Regards, Dana.