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Revolution is here, can you taste victory?


Malik Greene

Jan 1, 1970
The Jews have taken the entire state of Israel, West Bank, and Gaza, all
of that is stolen territory. And they are the reason that someone else
would blow themselves up. It is not the Palestinians' fault. It is the
fault of the Zionists.

If 3,000 people perished in the World Trade Center attacks and the Jewish
population is 10 percent, you show me records of 300 Jewish people dying
in the World Trade Center…We’re daring anyone to dispute its truth. They
got their people out."

We have to make it plain that Zionists control America, lock stock and
barrel, the European Jews have America under control, lock, stock, and
barrel, the media, foreign policy.

We will not allow some cracker named Bill Clinton to set the stage and
the pace to drive black people out of Harlem.
If any racist, straw-chewin' tobacco-chewin' racist redneck lays their
hand on any black man or woman in this county, crush that devil that is
trying to do you harm and to do you evil in the name of God and in
accordance with your legal rights.
Whoever occupies City Hall-even after Giuliani-will oppose us every year,
because they have to appeal to certain political forces, particularly the
I don't care what the Jews say. The African superiors are the only people
that have been in bondage for over 400 years. You are the true chosen
people of God, and it is not the so-called Jew.

What we have against Jews and others is simple facts of history: that the
Jews have been involved in the African holocaust and that the Zionists
are causing problems, you know, for people of color around the world …
The State of Israel. The Zionist entity there. It's a problem. It's a
problem for our brothers and sisters in that particular area and it's
causing problems all over the earth.
Are you going to deny that the Jewish people have been substantially and
significantly involved in the African holocaust? They have and you can't
deny that.

The cracker reporter is a scribe, a Jewish writer. The number one enemies
of Christ were scribes. If they were responsible for killing Christ, what
chance does little ol' me have? What make [sic] the European Jewish
people so arrogant that [sic] what they have done to our people they
don't have to apologize for?

We want to bring on the former national spokesman for the Honorable
Minister Louis Farrakhan… We want to bring on a man who gives the white
man nightmares. We want to bring on a man who makes the Jews pee in their
pants at night… My brother, Dr. Khallid Muhammad!
The Caucasians and the Government are arrogant, telling us how to suffer.
America should be glad that every black man is not on a killing spree for
all the suffering they have done.
We will never bow down to the white, Jewish, Zionist onslaught.
I say to all Jewish people and all white people…stop pushing your
Holocaust down my throat, when the black holocaust is the worst holocaust
humanity has ever seen.


Jan 1, 1970
In News [email protected],, Malik Greene at
[email protected], typed this:
The Jews have taken the entire state of Israel, West Bank, and Gaza,
all of that is stolen territory.

Well, let's see. The Palis attack Israel... Israel beats them back...
Israel keeps land... Why would you say that the land was "stolen"??

Homer J Simpson

Jan 1, 1970
The rag heads started it by attacking Israel on their first day of
independence. Tough titty.

David Nebenzahl

Jan 1, 1970
Homer J Simpson spake thus:
The rag heads started it by attacking Israel on their first day of
independence. Tough titty.

This is just the kind of raw, naked racism that just tends to prove
Malik's point. (I'm a Jew, by the way.)

Napoleon won the battle of Waterloo. The German Wehrmacht won World War
II. The United States won in Vietnam, and the Soviets in Afghanistan.
The Zealots won against the Romans, and Ehud Olmert won the Second
Lebanon War.

- Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist

Homer J Simpson

Jan 1, 1970
This is just the kind of raw, naked racism that just tends to prove
Malik's point. (I'm a Jew, by the way.)

But the literal truth. Had they attempted negotiations first they might have
had some shred of moral authority. As it is they have none, and no Arab
government has ever offered a serious solution to the so called problem.

David Nebenzahl

Jan 1, 1970
Homer J Simpson spake thus:
But the literal truth. Had they attempted negotiations first they might have
had some shred of moral authority. As it is they have none, and no Arab
government has ever offered a serious solution to the so called problem.

You need to brush up on your Middle East history. The Israelis have been
the aggressors since day one. Won't go into it here; there's too much
stuff available on the web.

Just so you know, I don't claim for a second that there's no such thing
as Islamo-fascism, or that most Arab governments are corrupt; that by no
means excuses the murderous excesses of Zionism down through the years.

Just for a little appetizer, look up the King David Hotel bombing
incident for starters.

Napoleon won the battle of Waterloo. The German Wehrmacht won World War
II. The United States won in Vietnam, and the Soviets in Afghanistan.
The Zealots won against the Romans, and Ehud Olmert won the Second
Lebanon War.

- Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist

Homer J Simpson

Jan 1, 1970
You need to brush up on your Middle East history. The Israelis have been
the aggressors since day one. Won't go into it here; there's too much
stuff available on the web.

Just so you know, I don't claim for a second that there's no such thing as
Islamo-fascism, or that most Arab governments are corrupt; that by no
means excuses the murderous excesses of Zionism down through the years.

Just for a little appetizer, look up the King David Hotel bombing incident
for starters.

Duh. I know the expulsion of the British was by way of Jewish terrorism. But
it was still bloody stupid of the Arabs to attack the Jews on day one - and

Personally I think the best solution would be to encourage the Jews to move
to the west side of the Great Salt Lake. After all, IIRC there are more Jews
in NY state than in Israel. But a condition should be that all of the Arab
states that have called for Israel's downfall should have to buy all of the
Jewish property in Israel at full market rate -- plus.

David Nebenzahl

Jan 1, 1970
Homer J Simpson spake thus:
Personally I think the best solution would be to encourage the Jews to move
to the west side of the Great Salt Lake. After all, IIRC there are more Jews
in NY state than in Israel. But a condition should be that all of the Arab
states that have called for Israel's downfall should have to buy all of the
Jewish property in Israel at full market rate -- plus.

Well, if you throw in West L.A. (for the Jews), as well as, say, Pacific
Heights in San Francisco, you might have a deal.

Napoleon won the battle of Waterloo. The German Wehrmacht won World War
II. The United States won in Vietnam, and the Soviets in Afghanistan.
The Zealots won against the Romans, and Ehud Olmert won the Second
Lebanon War.

- Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist

Gray Shockley

Jan 1, 1970
Homer J Simpson spake thus:

You need to brush up on your Middle East history. The Israelis have been
the aggressors since day one. Won't go into it here; there's too much
stuff available on the web.

Just so you know, I don't claim for a second that there's no such thing
as Islamo-fascism, or that most Arab governments are corrupt; that by no
means excuses the murderous excesses of Zionism down through the years.

Just for a little appetizer, look up the King David Hotel bombing
incident for starters.

Or Lexington-Concord.

[I went to a hospital there once.]

Gray Shockley
You who build these altars now
to sacrifice these children,
you must not do it anymore.
A scheme is not a vision
and you never have been tempted
by a demon or a god.
- Leonard Cohen

Bob LeChevalier

Jan 1, 1970
David Nebenzahl said:
Just for a little appetizer, look up the King David Hotel bombing
incident for starters.

Look up the Boston Tea Party while you are at it. Terrorism has many
forms. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Whether you approve of bombing hotels as a method of doing so, a
struggle for independence from colonial overlords is distinct from an
invasion of another country.


Homer J Simpson

Jan 1, 1970
Look up the Boston Tea Party while you are at it. Terrorism has many
forms. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

The 'Americans' kept starting wars that the 'British' had to clean up, but
didn't want to pay taxes to cover the costs. Since that day the US ethos has
been an effort to get something for nothing.