Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sansui brand name


Franc Zabkar

Jan 1, 1970
Is there any relationship between the Sansui equipment of old and the
Sansui branded audio gear sold by the Strathfield Group and
distributed (?) by the Yale Appliance Group?

Yale's Sansui logo looks nothing like the original:

Is this some clever marketing ploy to cash in on the goodwill of a
well recognised, albeit defunct brand name?

-- Franc Zabkar

Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Is there any relationship between the Sansui equipment of old and the
Sansui branded audio gear sold by the Strathfield Group and
distributed (?) by the Yale Appliance Group?

** Very unlikely - in the sense of a continuity of design and

Yale's Sansui logo looks nothing like the original:

** Logos can get an update from time to time.

Is this some clever marketing ploy to cash in on the goodwill of a
well recognised, albeit defunct brand name?

** Famous brand names never die - they just get new owners in
different parts of Asia.

.......... Phil

Rod Speed

Jan 1, 1970
BOB URZ said:
Some truth in what Phil says. In the US, Sansui is no relation to the
stuff and is cheap asian low end junk. Phase linear and advent was sold to
Jensen who was absorbed by Retocon and Jensen is about to be orphaned in
the dismembering of Retocon. Any late model Phase Liner stuff is not the
end stuff of old. KLH used to be quality stuff. Now the electronics i have
seen are low end. RCA was bought by Thompson. Zenith by the koreans.
These days, its hard to keep track of who owns who and who actually makes
it. Back in the good old days, the Japanese built there good stuff in
Now, its too expensive to build Japanese stuff in japan. Go figure.
Even a lot of the commercial TOA amplifiers i use are not made in Japan
any more.
The consumer electronics repair industry is slowly going into extinction

Yep, the modern reality is that its a hell of a lot cheaper to
have some low wage asian stamp one out on a production
line in asia than it will ever be to have some relatively
expensive first world tech repair it now.

Been like that for years and years now with the cheaper
domestic appliances, and that basic approach is not the
only thing that makes any sense with VCRs, TVs etc too now.
due to cheap, crap imports

Plenty of them are cheap and not crap at all.
that are uneconomical to repair

Because the replacement is so cheap, stupid.
or service information hard to get or non existent.

Because no one with any sense repairs them anymore.
Don't know how it is in Aus, but in the US, there used to
be a lot of Small TV repair shops run by families. No more.

There's still a few around here. Makes no real sense to use them tho.
Used to be a number of trade schools for TV repair. Those
are mostly gone too. About The only thing left is schools
< teaching computer geeks how to be board changers.

And board changing is all that makes sense with PCs too,
for the same reason. Its often a good excuse to upgrade too.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Trevor Wilson said:
**Oh, get real. Sansui was always at the cutting edge
of manufacturing> cheap, low end junk. Cheap, crappy power transformers,
plastic chassis
parts, poorly mounted output devices, etc, etc. Back in the 80s, nobody
built worse equipment.

** TW is selecting his facts again - all the 70s Sansui amps were
well made.

Phase linear and advent was sold to Jensen who was absorbed by Retocon
and Jensen is about to be orphaned in
**I hate to disappoint, but Phase Linear NEVER built high end stuff.

** TW is off his head. Phase Linear was a major status hi-fi brand in
the 70s.

By the early 80s the factory was closed. The designer went on to
create the Carver range and his technical staff became the Rane Corporation.

Hell, their power amps could not even maintain high power outputs, without

** TW is off his head - domestic hi-fi is not a PA system.

Their preamps.....well..... the less said, the better. Utter
nightmares to service.

** TW is off his head - period.

Back in the good old days, the Japanese built there good stuff in
**Is that so?

** Yes. TW is about to produce a rare exception so I will snip it.

**They're rapidly becoming extinct too. It's hardly worth swapping boards in
computers now.

** Shame about all the folk that do just that then.

TW is a waste of space.

................ Phil

Trevor Wilson

Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison said:
of manufacturing> cheap, low end junk. Cheap, crappy power transformers,
plastic chassis

** TW is selecting his facts again - all the 70s Sansui amps were
well made.

**Oh really? Tell me about:
Full auto turntables

All employed poor construction materials and techniques. Output devices, for
instance, were pressure mounted, by mild steel to heatsinks. Over time, the
output devices no longer made proper contact with the heatsink. The cassette
decks employed ALC and poor quality mechanics, requiring constant
replacement of idlers. The turntables were just plain horrible The clutch
mechanisms, driving the arm mechs were constantly failing. The mid range and
high end Sansuis were reasonable. At least as good as the competition. Their
low end stuff (which they sold lots of) was just plain old crap. Those of us
who serviced it (which you clearly have not) know it well.
and Jensen is about to be orphaned in

** TW is off his head. Phase Linear was a major status hi-fi brand in
the 70s.

**Dream on. It was built to provide the most number of Watts, for the least
number of Dollars. Nothing more. How much was a Phase Linear 700 in 1975?
By the early 80s the factory was closed. The designer went on to
create the Carver range and his technical staff became the Rane Corporation.

Hell, their power amps could not even maintain high power outputs, without

** TW is off his head - domestic hi-fi is not a PA system.

**The Phase Linear amps (400 & 700) were not able to meet the IHF
pre-testing conditions, without fan assistance. They employed pitifully
small heat sinks.
Their preamps.....well..... the less said, the better. Utter

** TW is off his head - period.

**OK, Phil. I have a Phase Linear 4000 preamp here. You can service it
anytime you wish. I'll pay you one hour's labour. If it's so damned easy to
service, you'll come out way ahead. Seems fair to me.
** Yes. TW is about to produce a rare exception so I will snip it.

**Hardly a rare exception. Sony were producing reel to reel machines in
Singapore, back in the 1970s. They performed just fine.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Trevor Wilson said:
**Oh really? Tell me about:

(snip drivel) The topic was amps - see above "amps" !!!!

in the 70s.
**Dream on. It was built to provide the most number of Watts, for the least
number of Dollars. Nothing more. How much was a Phase Linear 700 in 1975?

** TW has no clue what I posted.

He thinks I posted somethig else.

**The Phase Linear amps (400 & 700) were not able to meet the IHF
pre-testing conditions, without fan assistance. They employed pitifully
small heat sinks.

** Everyone complained that IHF test was way WAY too tough.

PL amps were fine in practice.

( More TW irelevant shite.)

**OK, Phil.

( snip shite) TW - the topic was *not* servicing.


**Hardly a rare exception. Sony were producing reel to reel machines in
Singapore, back in the 1970s. They performed just fine.

** TW - that is the reverse of the topic.

You are off your head.

............. Phil

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Trevor Wilson said:
**Most of what I listed WERE amps.

** So what - they are ones nobody bought.

70s Sansui means the famous AU series in the minds of eveyone
except you.

**And yet, many manufacturers were able to comply.

** Irrelevant.
**Except for those that oscillated their brains out. And those that were
required to deliver lots of power, in enclosed spaces, without fan cooling

** Usage contrary to instructions.

TW is off his fucking head.

**Yes, it was. Readf Bob Urz comments again.

** You were replying to my post.

**Nope. Just another example to prove a point.

** Exceptions only prove that exceptions exist.

TW is a fallacious debater.

Go read my ten cheats again.

How many bits did a Philips CD100 convert ???????

............ Phil

Trevor Wilson

Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison said:
** So what - they are ones nobody bought.

**You would be wrong. Those are the amps that MOST people purchased.
70s Sansui means the famous AU series in the minds of eveyone
except you.

**YOU said that. I did not. Moreover, the thousands who purchased the cheap,
crappy Sansui stuff (and the techs who serviced them) will know EXACTLY what
I am talking about. The AU series Sansui stuff was, indeed, excellent. Their
cheaper stuff was not.
** Irrelevant.

** Usage contrary to instructions.

**Unless one was required to actually meet the IHF specifications, of
course. Funnily enough, many, many other decent amplifiers, managed to pass
the IHF requirements with ease. Phase Linears could not, because they were
simply built to provide maximum power, at minimum price.

Franc Zabkar

Jan 1, 1970
70s Sansui means the famous AU series in the minds of eveyone
except you.

The last Sansui amp I remember repairing was an AU4900. I was
surprised to find that its designer had created a full wave bridge
using eight 1A rectifiers connected as four pairs of diodes in
parallel. He/she was apparently under the misconception that the
bridge could now handle 2A. I was shocked to see such a fundamental
error from a high end (?) brand name. Fittingly the fault was shorted
rectifier diodes. Needless to say I rebuilt the bridge with four 3A

- Franc Zabkar

Trevor Wilson

Jan 1, 1970
Franc Zabkar said:
The last Sansui amp I remember repairing was an AU4900. I was
surprised to find that its designer had created a full wave bridge
using eight 1A rectifiers connected as four pairs of diodes in
parallel. He/she was apparently under the misconception that the
bridge could now handle 2A. I was shocked to see such a fundamental
error from a high end (?) brand name. Fittingly the fault was shorted
rectifier diodes. Needless to say I rebuilt the bridge with four 3A

**A very common problem with this model. Another common fault was noisy tone
amp transistors. A bugger to find and fix. Ironically, you saw one of the
BETTER Sansui models. You should look at the ones which used plastic chassis
parts, mild steel (they could not afford spring steel??!!) retaining systems
for output devices, no VI limiting circuits and other cost-cutting moves.
With junk like that, it is no wonder that people stopped buying Sansui.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Trevor Wilson said:
**You would be wrong. Those are the amps that MOST people purchased.

**YOU said that. I did not.

** I did, and it is true.

**Unless one was required to actually meet the IHF specifications, of

** IHF did not require enclosed spaces and no fan cooling.

TW is off his head.

Funnily enough, many, many other decent amplifiers, managed to pass
the IHF requirements with ease.

** TW does not know what irrelevant means.

Phase Linears could not, because they were
simply built to provide maximum power, at minimum price.

** See above.

.............. Phil

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Franc Zabkar said:
The last Sansui amp I remember repairing was an AU4900. I was
surprised to find that its designer had created a full wave bridge
using eight 1A rectifiers connected as four pairs of diodes in
parallel. He/she was apparently under the misconception that the
bridge could now handle 2A. I was shocked to see such a fundamental
error from a high end (?) brand name. Fittingly the fault was shorted
rectifier diodes. Needless to say I rebuilt the bridge with four 3A

** Paralleled power diodes work fine.

The error is all yours.

................ Phil

Trevor Wilson

Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison said:
** Paralleled power diodes work fine.

**Clearly you have not had to service many of these amps. Power diodes and
tone amp transistors were VERY common failure modes. In the last 25 years, I
have probably replaced diodes in several hundred of these amplifiers. FAR in
excess of similar amps, from other manufacturers. Other manufacturers chose
(correctly) to use single, large diodes, or appropriately rated bridges.
Sansui, for reasons best known to their designers decided to ignore good
engineering practice and use 1 Amp diodes instead.
The error is all yours.

**Nope. He is correct. After replacing diodes with single, higher rated
devices, the amplifiers never failed (in that particular manner) again.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Trevor Wilson said:
**Prove it.

** How many bits did a Philips CD100, Marantz 63, 73 etc convert TW

**The Phase Linear amps could not meet the IHF specs, in their standard
form. Many other, decently designed amps could.

** Go look up the word "irrelevant" ..... and fucking choke on it.

.............. Phil

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Trevor Wilson said:
**Lack of substantive facts, experience, or evidence, duly noted.

** How many bits does a Philips CD100, Marantz 63 73 etc convert ???

Why the silence on this TW ?

I know why.

Trevor Wilson is a vile charlatan and a lying turd - that is the

.............. Phil

Trevor Wilson

Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison said:
** How many bits does a Philips CD100, Marantz 63 73 etc convert ???

Why the silence on this TW ?

**Look up the term: 'Strawman argument'.

Now look up the title of the thread.

You've lost the plot.

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Trevor Wilson said:
**Look up the term: 'Strawman argument'.

** This is no straw man - it goes to the heart of why TW is a lying
charlatan and a fraudster.

................ Phil

Franc Zabkar

Jan 1, 1970
** Paralleled power diodes work fine.

Not at all. Look closely at the knee in the diode characteristic and
then tell us how current can be evenly shared by two parallel diodes
with even a *slight* mismatch in the I-V curve.

Hint: dI/dV is *very* large.

- Franc Zabkar

Phil Allison

Jan 1, 1970
Not at all. Look closely at the knee in the diode characteristic and
then tell us how current can be evenly shared by two parallel diodes
with even a *slight* mismatch in the I-V curve.

** Just try it Frank - you have NOT tried it.

Get two 1N4004 diodes from the same batch ( like any manufacturer
would) and TRY it.

I have - so I know.

I made over 100 guitar amps with this 25 years ago - not ONE
diode failed.

.................. Phil

The Real Andy

Jan 1, 1970
Phil Allison said:
** Just try it Frank - you have NOT tried it.

Get two 1N4004 diodes from the same batch ( like any manufacturer
would) and TRY it.

I have - so I know.

I made over 100 guitar amps with this 25 years ago - not ONE
diode failed.

It may well work, but it is very poor design.