Maker Pro
Maker Pro

sanyo vcr


Matt H

Jan 1, 1970
hi all,
someone i look after has got a sanyo vcr with no remote however when
i went to tune the tv in it came up with the two white test pattern bars
which i looked at the back of the vcr to turn of which i couldnt find
aything so i couldnt tune in the channels for recording any ideas on how to
get rid of them so i can tune in the channels doesnt help with the remote as
i might need the to tune in the channels as well

any help appreciated


Max Harding vk3jin

Jan 1, 1970
at the back of the vsr you will find a switch marked TEST turn to off.and
the two lines will go away.this is used to tune your vcr to tv.


Jan 1, 1970
Matt H said:
hi all,
someone i look after has got a sanyo vcr with no remote however
when i went to tune the tv in it came up with the two white test pattern
bars which i looked at the back of the vcr to turn of which i couldnt find
aything so i couldnt tune in the channels for recording any ideas on how
to get rid of them so i can tune in the channels doesnt help with the
remote as i might need the to tune in the channels as well

any help appreciated


What Model is it?
As you said you looked for the Switch, it would be really strange for it to
be on the remote.
Ill have a look in my ref books at work.
its not Underneath the Vcr or Hidden on the front panel somewhere?

Matt H

Jan 1, 1970
Well i looked for the test switch at the back of the vcr with no luck, i
dont know the model number as yet but tomorrow night i am going there to
have another look so i will get the model number then

thanks for you help guys will keep you posted on how i go and with a model


Matt H

Jan 1, 1970
hi all on the front of the vcr it had VHR-610



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