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Woo-Woo The Engineer's Ghost Box

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Jun 18, 2017
Jun 18, 2017

Point of Discovery

Based on the workings of a simple PIR this device works within the IR region of electromagnetic energy. How the 'unseen world' interacts with this device is unknown. Nor am I able to discuss WHO are working the box? This is down to belief.
My point of discovery was purely accidental.
Being a paranormal researcher and psychic I am able to recognise both worlds.
The device worked by the ability of entities able to manipulate electronic equipment. I refer to entities who ever you conceive them to be, because there are patterns of consistency hence showing intelligence.
Continuing my communications into the spirit world, these Home Security Lights would switch on by themselves .


Science says :- "Fault" because it defies science. When these things happen all the time with door bells ringing, burglar alarms activating, car doors closing by themselves, TV changing channels using multiple devices, this cannot be a fault. My mum's Home Care alarm phones up the Care Centre by itself just before a hazard. Her pendant button is never activated. Yet the Call Center has so many 'triggers' it did it's own investigation to find nothing!

Science develops things but does not know the full extent of it's discovery. Somehow IR interacts with etheric energy, producing kinetic energy.

Why or how....I am just the village idiot! No one has ever researched this area in fear of ridicule...SIMPLE as THAT!
Brainwashed ideas with religious dogmas and political grievance. No one will promote uncertainty especially big companies with reputations.
To say that science defeat! Yes it has because it is unable to explain why this device works, but instead makes excuses for it.

A Marvelous Invention
Probably better than the discovery of the computer?
My view is that everyone has guardians to help us through life's journey. Some go to places of worship never meeting their guides of god.
Yet it is my belief that they try to communicate with us through mental telepathy, sometimes guiding us subconsciously through life depending on our own psychic ability to interact?

Most do not have my ability and are unable to receive guidance. This device can be used with transducers as to enable secondary circuits to operate. For example by playing back a recording with a message of warning to the occupant?

It does not matter who perceptive the person may be! It can warn of impending danger as to safeguard someone in order to stay alive and fulfil their time on earth?

Imagine it as a simple switch? Just like the zeros and ones in our logic circuits? The invention of the computer with one byte of memory is hence one Ghost Box?

Multiply this with a million expressions and actions?


Okay...I am mad? Hence now you have your answer why you have never seen this device before?
Purely and simply because no one will take it on?

Supposing others are wrong and I am right? What then?

What then indeed!


Jan 5, 2010
Jan 5, 2010
"I can't explain why this device triggers unexpectedly, therefore it is ghosts doing it."

This is the logical fallacy called argument from ignorance. Not knowing something does not imply anything.

The device is triggering because it is set to be right on the edge of triggering and there is constant variation in the electromagnetic fields in the environment.



Jan 5, 2010
Jan 5, 2010
In the field of electrical engineering, what you are calling ghosts is what we call noise. We have to deal with it our circuits. We add extra circuitry, are we are careful about how we wire things in order to minimize it's effect.



Jun 18, 2017
Jun 18, 2017
In the field of electrical engineering, what you are calling ghosts is what we call noise. We have to deal with it our circuits. We add extra circuitry, are we are careful about how we wire things in order to minimize it's effect.

Thanks Bob,

I do understand. Noise or spikes...whatever....

The thing that undermines all this, is that this is not random. It is intelligently controlled.
When I did engineering, I was told that the essence of proof was to show repeatability with the other factor involving Substitution Testing.

including in these observations is what we also call 'variables' and 'constants'

This is the bible of electronic testing and the main ingredients that allow credibility.

The laws are thrust upon us including things like marketing and cost effectiveness when selling our product.
Values of engineering and over engineering 'come into play' as well presentations including aesthetics and ergonomics etc.

Of course I do not wish to look into profitability, as this is not my aim.

There is one lacking ingredient at this stage, and this is the value of common sense. The fault with science, is that it lacks common sense

Common sense fails because it goes against all the necessary ingredients of what science has taught us.

When these scientific laws are passed, they finally come up with the killer clause of "Come cannot possibly believe in that?"

So we now have materialistic lack of faith because electronics can only work by what we can take apart and put back together in what we term as :- 'Materialism'

There have so far been about twenty out of twenty devices that we are looking for spikes? This does not make sense? Then there is this synchronisation of the devices triggering at PRECISELY after the points of questioning.

The biggest test is to take a devive and allow the electronics team to rest it?

So..are they scared to test it, in case it is passed as reliable?
Once they test it, how do they explain when it fails every single time within an hour ?

If the device has faults either with auxiliary devices or the device come these faults are not intercepted at the points of diagnosis?

Our Call Box which is used for assistance if mum falls, dials up the call centre by itself.

These devices are normally passed under Health and Safety including remote devices that can control automobiles and aircraft. Such devices act as automatons to assist safety.

If however we have 2000% failure rate instead of let us say 0.0000000001% how can we justify that?

Spikes or we get that with 'Fly by Wire'?
I do not believe that to be the case, as the guys who design these things have to ALSO fulfil market requirements for safety and reliability. If science passes it and then fails it, it has a lot to answer to.


Jun 18, 2017
Jun 18, 2017
Before I am either banned or whatever.......
I have spoken the truth.
If folks do not want to know...then why don't they look elsewhere?

There is no untruth with my device(s)....nor do I hide anything which was on that previous link which 'hexreader' posted.

People attack because it hurts their feelings of years of brainwashed ideas.

Yes...I was told that I am forcing my ideas on others and that I should not be posting rubbish.

I become a troll....a non conformist even though I am probably more educated than most here?

What is it that makes these attackers better than I am, that I am told to shut up by discussing my pride and joy about a device that I truly believe and accept?

What right do others have to say that they know better as to try and destroy the work of others by sheer prejudice and hate?
To be labelled as a troll?

I will always defend my posts when and if I can?

If folks attack me...then I will defend myself.

If they want to discuss like Bob has done, I will answer them with respect.

I do not see any need for nastiness and picking on the author? What if I said what 'hexreader' has said?

Oh.....that would be instant dismissal for being rude!

Yer...okay...I will most probably get banned...but there will always be rules for some and rules for others...depending on who values who.

I have pointed out repeatedly, that I WILL NOT BE DISCUSSED!!!
The subject is 'The Engineer's Ghost Box' Any prejudice regarding the author.....well..


[MOD EDIT: another wonderful example of some one who has been off their med's far too long]
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