Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Troubleshooting Sony Audio CD drive



Jan 1, 1970
I have been fixing Sony car stereos for some time and have learned a lot.
One thing I need help getting information on is how to troubleshoot the CD

I have purchased the "repair manual" but it is mostly schematics.

Currently I have a unit that spins up the CD, fails to read, stops, starts
again before it reads the directory. I have cleaned and adjusted the read
head but have no idea of where to go next. Anyone know of a source for a
troubleshooting guide?


Jan 1, 1970
From: "Steve" <[email protected]

I have purchased the "repair manual" but it is mostly schematics.

I have cleaned and adjusted the read
head but have no idea of where to go next. Anyone know of a source for a
troubleshooting guide?

Well..... you have found out what a lot of beginner techs that post on this
newsgroup fail to understand...... the schematics are not much use unless
you have the experience, knowledge and test equipment to utilize them.
Usually repair manuals have very little, if any, step by step
troubleshooting information and usually are a waste of money for most "do it
yourself" home repair people. Most shop techs will repair a very high
percentage of equipment without costly and hard to find schematics.
To answer your question about information you should go to your internet
search engine and type in......
...... troubleshooting and repairing compct disc players .....
You will find many, many good hits.... mostly good reference books that you
can purchase that will be benificial to your CD Repair efforts and
education. Along with the schematics that you now have, many of these
books will give you the information you need to go forward with your repair
One of my favorite authors is Homer L. Davidson..... I have always liked
the way he presents the material.
I would also advise you to go to the website for this newsgroup at
There, with some searching around the site, you will find a wealth of
troubleshooting tips, repair procedures, component testing methods, and
important SAFETY information regarding the subject of CD player repair.....
and a whole host of other consumer electronics devices.