Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tying in GEM-X10 into Napco Gemini 816 Alarm System Controller

Installation manuals do tend to be reasonably accurate and as of yet nobody
has shown that it will not work (yet)

The original poster may not have the most up to date revision

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How can I tell what revision of the GEM-P816 I have? I see they are
now up to revision 11. The system was installed about 2 months ago,
but that doesn't tell me that it's necessarily the latest revision?

How can I tell what eversion it is? Do I need the dealer code?

Also, is upgrading this as simple as a firmware upgrade that can be
flashed onto the device (or a PROM chip replacement)? If it is
upgradable via either method, will I lose the panel configuration or
is that configuration stored elsewhere and maintained during an
upgrade? Or is it locked into the panel and not upgradable?
