Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Vista 20p keypad doesn’t respond


Apr 3, 2024
Apr 3, 2024
All was fine until I added a 5834-4 fob. Programming wasn’t too hard to learn. Fob works great but now the keypad is non responsive. No error messages are displayed.


May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
Has your programming omitted the keypad?.
Show your code in the code box.
Some good programmers on here that may able to help.


Jun 20, 2010
Jun 20, 2010
I worked with a lot of Vista-20P systems over the years, but I've never seen programming a new fob affect the Keypad operation. My best GUESS is that while you were in programming, you may have inadvertently changed something in another field than you needed for the fob.

Back to basics, check Fields *190 thru *196 and make sure your Keypad's (KP's) address is enabled. You'll need to know what address your KP is set for. Unfortunately I can't give you a step-by-step procedure for finding the KP's address without knowing the model of your KP. OR, if you have a Touchscreen instead of KP (Honeywell calls it an AUI), check Field *189.

The KP's address is set in Keypad Local Programming, i.e., programmed in the KP itself rather than in Panel (the Vista-20P) Programming. It's not complicated, but "regular" KPs are programmed slightly different than RF KPs that have an RF Receiver (for "wireless") built into the KP. So it's helpful to know if you have a Fixed-English 6150, 6150RF, Alphanumeric 6160 or 6160RF. Unfortunately the model numbers are (usually) printed on the back of the KP mounting plate.
If you have wireless zones and you also have a 5881 (5883 in Canada) RF Receiver in/near the Control Panel (the Vista-20P), then you won't have an RF KP---only one RF Receiver per system.

If the problem isn't with the address fields, then more information would be helpful. Do you have other Fobs in the system, or is this new one the only one? Each Fob is assigned a User number in Panel Programming (User numbers correspond to different User Codes and start at User 2 =Master Code): What User number did you program it for?

Finally, you said the KP was "unresponsive: I take that to mean that pressing any key gives no sound nor change in screen display. If you meant something else, now would be the time to clarify.


Apr 3, 2024
Apr 3, 2024
I worked with a lot of Vista-20P systems over the years, but I've never seen programming a new fob affect the Keypad operation. My best GUESS is that while you were in programming, you may have inadvertently changed something in another field than you needed for the fob.

Back to basics, check Fields *190 thru *196 and make sure your Keypad's (KP's) address is enabled. You'll need to know what address your KP is set for. Unfortunately I can't give you a step-by-step procedure for finding the KP's address without knowing the model of your KP. OR, if you have a Touchscreen instead of KP (Honeywell calls it an AUI), check Field *189.

The KP's address is set in Keypad Local Programming, i.e., programmed in the KP itself rather than in Panel (the Vista-20P) Programming. It's not complicated, but "regular" KPs are programmed slightly different than RF KPs that have an RF Receiver (for "wireless") built into the KP. So it's helpful to know if you have a Fixed-English 6150, 6150RF, Alphanumeric 6160 or 6160RF. Unfortunately the model numbers are (usually) printed on the back of the KP mounting plate.
If you have wireless zones and you also have a 5881 (5883 in Canada) RF Receiver in/near the Control Panel (the Vista-20P), then you won't have an RF KP---only one RF Receiver per system.

If the problem isn't with the address fields, then more information would be helpful. Do you have other Fobs in the system, or is this new one the only one? Each Fob is assigned a User number in Panel Programming (User numbers correspond to different User Codes and start at User 2 =Master Code): What User number did you program it for?

Finally, you said the KP was "unresponsive: I take that to mean that pressing any key gives no sound nor change in screen display. If you meant something else, now would be the time to clarify.

I am back home and want to reply to your questions. I was not as clear as I should have been. The keypad has the normal message "Disarmed, Ready to Arm." But none of the button combinations for arm stay, arm away or disarm have any effect. The buttons make the usual chirp sound when depressed. I can enter programming mode without any problem. The keypad address is 31--found that out by depressing 1 and 3 for three seconds. The keypad is a two line alpha numeric, model 6160.

To recap, ever since I programmed the FOB 5834-4, the only way for me to arm or disarm the system is with this new FOB. The keypad does not respond to arming or disarming keystrokes. The new FOB is the only FOB used and it is assigned to user 2.

Thank you.


Apr 3, 2024
Apr 3, 2024
And this too—-the zone assignments for the fob are 29, 30, 31 and 32. Is that the issue—31?


Jun 20, 2010
Jun 20, 2010
If your KP's address is 31, AND if you really have a Vista-20P INSTEAD OF an older Vista-20SE or earlier, then that is your problem.: Address 31 on a Keypad makes it "non-addressable", a feature of earlier Panels before the Vista-20P. So assuming you have a V-20P with a KP that worked for years, I assure you the address WASN'T 31 before, or it (the KP) wouldn't have worked.

AGAIN: ASSUMING you do have a Vista-20P Control Panel, then...
1. Power down the system by upplugging the 16.5VAC transformer and taking one wire lead off the Panel's battery. Wait a minute.
2. Plug in the transformer (don't worry about the battery during this procedure) and immediately (within 60 seconds) press 1 & 3 simultaneously, like you did to check the address. Thiis puts the KP in Keypad Local Programming (programming for the KP, not the V-20P Panel). The address, 31, will be flashing. Change the address to "00", and immediately change it again to "16". This sets your KP to address 16. Just wait a minute and the programming mode will time out. See if that works.
3. IF it works, then remember to reconnect the Panel battery. (which should be replaced at least every 5 years. 3 years is better.)

On the off chance that you have an earlier model (Vista-20, Vista-20SE, or several others), then ignore the 1. and 2. procedure and post back to let me know. The model designation is usually silk-screened somewhere along the top of the Printed Circuit Board. I have encountered Panels that didn't match their cabinets' diagrams of the Panel's model number; that happens when a panel is changed without changing the cabinet or pasting an up-to-date diagram inside the cabinet door.


Apr 3, 2024
Apr 3, 2024
Opened it up. Vista 20 Bay. Alarm co was “Bay Alarm” Installed 1999


Jun 20, 2010
Jun 20, 2010
I don't remember exactly when the Vista-20P came out, but I'm pretty sure it was sometime in the mid- 2000s. It sounds like you have an earlier Vista-20 or Vista-20SE, and your KP's address of 31 is correct.

I'm afraid I misspoke before: Unless you have two partitions in your system, then your Master Code is User 01. If your fob is programmed as User 02, then it's arming and disarming Partition #2, even if there are no zones programmed for Partition 2. You might find you can "Arm" with your fob, but wait a minute to let the Exit Delay run out, then open your usual entry door and see if that trips the Entry Delay. I'd guess it won't.

Program the fob as User 01 and see if that clears the problem. If it doesn't, then post back and we'll try something else, like re-programming your Master Code (for Partition 1).
I gather that you have only the one KP, so it's a safe bet that your system uses only one partition, like 99% of the systems out there. If you have a 2nd partition, now would be the time to mention it. If you don't even know what I'm talking about, then good: It's an even safer bet that there's only one partition and you don't have to worry about it.
You apparently have an Installation and Programming Manual, since you've done programming. But if you have a Vista-20P manual, then you need to download a Vista-20 or Vista-20SE Installation and Programming Manual. The "P" manual can actually be used for most fields, but you're programming something where the parameters changed with the zones and codes of the "P" Model. Panels/Vista-20/Vista-20SE Installation Manual..pdf

And no, KP address 31 and Zone 31 have nothing to do with each other and don't affect each other.

I strongly recommend:
DO NOT test your codes by trying to Arm the system!!
A rule of thumb of code-setting/changing in NEVER Arm the system unless you know you have a working User Code to disarm. That's why I always set at least one Secondary User Code, i.e., a User # 3 or more. About once a month, on average, someone Arms their system and can't Disarm it because there are ways to arm the system without a User Code. Once the system is Armed, you can't get into programming without Disarming it first, so it becomes an order of magnitude harder to work with it if you don't have a valid User Code.
Test new codes by entering [CODE + 6] to toggle the Chime function on and off. If it toggles the Chime, it will Arm and Disarm the system. Once you've confirmed a Code is valid and working, THEN you can Arm & Disarm with it.

Another thing: Don't be cute and try to make the Installer Code and Master Code the same code. The system won't allow duplicate codes and you _could_ wind up with an Armed system you can't Disarm without a lot of bother.


Apr 3, 2024
Apr 3, 2024
Resolved. I was getting over my head so I found an alarm guy in our area who knew this system well. Looks like I had attached the keypad and fob to different users, as was suggested in this forum. I appreciate all the advice received in this forum.