Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where to buy p89lpc932 in UK


Ian Gold

Jan 1, 1970
Is is possible to buy hobby quantities of Philips microcontrollers in
the UK?

I just tried the UK distributor, eurodis, who told me they have a
minimum order of 100 uk pounds.

It's so easy to buy PICs that I was complacent about getting another
kind of micro- I spent a lot of time learning the 8051 instruction set
before checking that I could actually buy these chips.


Tilmann Reh

Jan 1, 1970
Ian said:
Is is possible to buy hobby quantities of Philips microcontrollers in
the UK?

I just tried the UK distributor, eurodis, who told me they have a
minimum order of 100 uk pounds.

It's so easy to buy PICs that I was complacent about getting another
kind of micro- I spent a lot of time learning the 8051 instruction set
before checking that I could actually buy these chips.

a) That are *really* nice chips. :)
b) Ask catalog distributors like RS, Farnell and Digikey. Maybe these
chips are available there meanwhile.
c) Also try Arrow and Avnet. Ask for samples, normally this is possible.
d) If you can't get samples there, you might contact Philips directly,
their uC support is very good - maybe you can get samples there or
they can force some vendor to sell you a small quantity... :)

Good luck,

Ian Gold

Jan 1, 1970
Thank you, Tilmann.

I have an account with RS, but they do not supply the chip. I will
check the other vendors, be persistent, and, yes, maybe Philips
themselves can help.

It would be good marketing if they supported students wanting small
in case those students were in a position to order 100,000 chips in a
few years' time.

best regards


Chris Hills

Jan 1, 1970
Ian Gold said:
Is is possible to buy hobby quantities of Philips microcontrollers in
the UK?

I just tried the UK distributor, eurodis, who told me they have a
minimum order of 100 uk pounds.

This should change shortly.

\/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills Staffs England /\/\/\/\/\
/\/\/ [email protected] \/\/

Chris Hills

Jan 1, 1970
Tilmann Reh said:
b) Ask catalog distributors like RS, Farnell and Digikey. Maybe these
chips are available there meanwhile.

RS and Farnell should be stocking these parts but it is a long cycle to
get anything in to their catalogues.
c) Also try Arrow and Avnet. Ask for samples, normally this is possible.

They should be able to provide samples.
d) If you can't get samples there, you might contact Philips directly,
their uC support is very good - maybe you can get samples there or
they can force some vendor to sell you a small quantity... :)

Unfortunately this will not work. The reason why Philips (and all the
others) have distributors is to handle the smaller customers.

It should be possible to get the parts from the distis.

\/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills Staffs England /\/\/\/\/\
/\/\/ [email protected] \/\/

Paul Burke

Jan 1, 1970
Ian said:
Is is possible to buy hobby quantities of Philips microcontrollers in
the UK?

I just tried the UK distributor, eurodis, who told me they have a
minimum order of 100 uk pounds.

It's so easy to buy PICs that I was complacent about getting another
kind of micro- I spent a lot of time learning the 8051 instruction set
before checking that I could actually buy these chips.

You could try Quarndon- if thgey have stock they are usually happy to
supply 1 offs.

<> - be patient.

Paul Burke

Ian Gold

Jan 1, 1970
Thanks, everyone.

I'm following up your leads.

Ian Gold

Ian Gold

Jan 1, 1970

I was able to order 10 microprocessors from Quarndon.

£2.67 each plus VAT. Free delivery.

Unfortunately, it was not a stock item, so I won't be getting them for
four weeks. Other people odering might have more luck if Quarndon
keeps a stock in from now.

The buying process was very formal and corporate. I received a written
quote on company letterhead. But the service was courteous and warm,
so thanks to Quarndon's sales staff.

Quarndon Electronics Limited
Slack Lane, DERBY DE22 3ED
Tel: 01332 332651 Fax: 01332 360922

I also have a good word for who have a good online shop and
low postal charges to the UK of 7 NZ dollars. 1 NZ dollar = 34p. The
reason I did not order from Acqura is that having got the chips into
the UK I would then have had to pay unknown charges and possibly face
attitude fron UK customs. But the acqura staff were friendly and

Thank you all for suggestions.

Now back to the Raisson simulator while I wait for the chips....


Chris Hills

Jan 1, 1970
Rutherford Close, Meadway

+44 7740 055008

They will supply samples and small orders. They also have stock.

Quarndon Electronics Limited
Slack Lane, DERBY DE22 3ED
Tel: 01332 332651 Fax: 01332 360922

\/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills Staffs England /\/\/\/\/\
/\/\/ [email protected] \/\/

Ian Gold

Jan 1, 1970
Thanks, Chris,

I'll try Silica next time I'm shopping.
