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Maker Pro

air core transformer efficiency


Fuxue Jin

Jan 1, 1970
Hi, everyone,

Looking for a solution to improve an air core transformer efficiency.

The transformer can not have a regular soft magnetic core, must be air.
Primary to secondary is about 1:2 to 1:3. Coil is wound on a bobbin or
tube with about .5 to 1" diameter.

In order to improve the efficiency, what's the key factor that needs to
be considered or adjusted? Turns ratio, coil size, operating frequency
or something else?


Ian Stirling

Jan 1, 1970
Fuxue Jin said:
Hi, everyone,

Looking for a solution to improve an air core transformer efficiency.

The transformer can not have a regular soft magnetic core, must be air.
Primary to secondary is about 1:2 to 1:3. Coil is wound on a bobbin or
tube with about .5 to 1" diameter.

In order to improve the efficiency, what's the key factor that needs to
be considered or adjusted? Turns ratio, coil size, operating frequency
or something else?

Why can't you do a better core?
What's it for?
You'll get better coupling by winding a layer of primary, a couple of
layers of secondary, ...

Ian Stirling

Jan 1, 1970
Fuxue Jin said:
Hi, everyone,

Looking for a solution to improve an air core transformer efficiency.

The transformer can not have a regular soft magnetic core, must be air.
Primary to secondary is about 1:2 to 1:3. Coil is wound on a bobbin or
tube with about .5 to 1" diameter.

In order to improve the efficiency, what's the key factor that needs to
be considered or adjusted? Turns ratio, coil size, operating frequency
or something else?

Why can't you do a better core?
What's it for?
You'll get better coupling by winding a layer of primary, a couple of
layers of secondary, ...

Operating frequency needs to be high, look into things like Litz wire.

Fuxue Jin

Jan 1, 1970
Ian Stirling said:
Why can't you do a better core?
What's it for?
You'll get better coupling by winding a layer of primary, a couple of
layers of secondary, ...

Operating frequency needs to be high, look into things like Litz wire.

The transformer is used in a medical device under very strong magnetic
field, any core will be saturated.

Ian Stirling

Jan 1, 1970
The transformer is used in a medical device under very strong magnetic
field, any core will be saturated.

If you can put an (three?) extra coils round the core to eliminate the
external field over the small volume, that might be easier.


Jan 1, 1970
Fuxue Jin said:
Hi, everyone,

Looking for a solution to improve an air core transformer efficiency.

The transformer can not have a regular soft magnetic core, must be air.
Primary to secondary is about 1:2 to 1:3. Coil is wound on a bobbin or
tube with about .5 to 1" diameter.

In order to improve the efficiency, what's the key factor that needs to
be considered or adjusted? Turns ratio, coil size, operating frequency
or something else?


Wind in a toroidal shape on a non-magnetic, non-conductive former.
This allows all windings to have equal coupling (maximum Lm) and
assists in reducing concentration of external stray field.
Section-wind if capacitance is a problem.


Tim Shoppa

Jan 1, 1970
Fuxue Jin said:
The transformer is used in a medical device under very strong magnetic
field, any core will be saturated.

Is this for signal or for power transmission? I'm guessing power, seeing
your goal of efficiency. And I'm guessing that another goal is

One old-time trick for HV isolation in very hostile environments are motor-
generator pairs connected by a (potentially very long) insulating rod.
If you've already got a "free" high magnetic field then the magnets
commonly associated with motors and generators might be entirely
superfluous :)



Jan 1, 1970
The transformer is used in a medical device under very strong magnetic
field, any core will be saturated.

Are you talking about an existing external field; is the part intended
to generate a strong magnetic field; or is this field unavoidable in a
transformer structure.

You are being vague.


Henry Kolesnik

Jan 1, 1970
Would encasing the coil in mu metal allow the use of iron?
hank wd5jfr

Fuxue Jin

Jan 1, 1970
R.Legg said:
Wind in a toroidal shape on a non-magnetic, non-conductive former.
This allows all windings to have equal coupling (maximum Lm) and
assists in reducing concentration of external stray field.
Section-wind if capacitance is a problem.


This is a very interesting suggestion.

The transformer is used as (more or less) a normal power transformer to
drive a low dropout regulator. The whole final unit is under a strong
megnetic field. Also a 5000V HIPOT between primary and secondary is

I don't expect much high efficiency out of it, but want to do the best
if there is any solution.

Thanks for the posting!

Fuxue Jin

Jan 1, 1970
According the people who have tried before, mu metal didn't provide
enough shielding effect to isolate the core.

John Larkin

Jan 1, 1970
The transformer is used as (more or less) a normal power transformer to
drive a low dropout regulator. The whole final unit is under a strong
megnetic field. Also a 5000V HIPOT between primary and secondary is

I don't expect much high efficiency out of it, but want to do the best
if there is any solution.

Thanks for the posting!

What's the frequency? This would be fairly easy at a high (10KHz or
better?) frequency, but it's difficult to pass much power at 50/60 Hz
with an air-core transformer.

Considered photovoltaics?


Tim Shoppa

Jan 1, 1970
Are you talking about an existing external field; is the part intended
to generate a strong magnetic field; or is this field unavoidable in a
transformer structure.

My guess was that the device was in the vicinity of a superconducting
magnet, e.g. a NMR (aka MRI) scanner.


Henry Kolesnik

Jan 1, 1970
Transformers transform impedance, voltage, current, isolate and some are
tuned. Which one of these is your objective and can another circuit be
substituted to achieve your desired objective?
Hank wd5jfr

Fuxue Jin

Jan 1, 1970
John Larkin said:
What's the frequency? This would be fairly easy at a high (10KHz or
better?) frequency, but it's difficult to pass much power at 50/60 Hz
with an air-core transformer.

Considered photovoltaics?


Have tested at 40KHZ, and would have a test result later at 100KHZ. I
expect the efficiency will increase at higher frequency.


Jan 1, 1970
Have tested at 40KHZ, and would have a test result later at 100KHZ. I
expect the efficiency will increase at higher frequency.

Why is the power supply in the machine?
Can't you just route double-insulated DC from a safe source to your
circuit, for local regulation?

You'd find that EMI was reduced, if you did.


Fritz Schlunder

Jan 1, 1970
Fuxue Jin said:
Hi, everyone,

Looking for a solution to improve an air core transformer efficiency.

The transformer can not have a regular soft magnetic core, must be air.
Primary to secondary is about 1:2 to 1:3. Coil is wound on a bobbin or
tube with about .5 to 1" diameter.

In order to improve the efficiency, what's the key factor that needs to
be considered or adjusted? Turns ratio, coil size, operating frequency
or something else?


How much power do you need? What is your input voltage, and what is your
output voltage?

There was a thread here a couple of years back from a guy trying to make an
air core power transfer system (titled Energy transmission with coils). The
thread inspired me to play with the stuff myself (though reading back my
contributions to his thread show my own ignorance of the subject at the
time), and based upon my experience I would say:

You must use a full bridge or half bridge topology to drive the primary if
you want anywhere near decent power output and efficiency. Do not use a
single switch converter topology, it puts allot of stress on the switch and
will not yeild much power output at all. You should use as close to 50%
duty cycle each direction as feasible, but make sure to insert some dead
time in the gate drive signals to prevent cross conduction.

Generally speaking the higher the frequency the better, but with some
limitations. The problem with air core transformers is they have such
pitifully small magnetizing inductances. As a result, the magnitizing
currents ramps up to extremely large values very quickly. In order to keep
the magnetizing currents reasonable, you can either increase the number of
turns used (to increase the inductance) or increase the frequency. If you
increase the number of turns used, you inevetably must use a longer wire
which has more resistance (both DC and AC). So you get a reduced
magentizing current, but you end up with more winding resistance which
causes more dissipation for a given amount of current. The net result is
they, to a degree, cancel each other out. So you really need to use a quite
high frequency to get good results.

Why a half/full bridge only? The novelty of the half and full bridge
topologies (built using either MOSFETs alone or BJTs/IGBTs with antiparallel
diodes) is they can readily recapture the energy stored in the magnetizing
inductance and return it to the input DC bus capacitance. This is very
important since leakage inductances and magnetizing currents would cause
massive power dissipation.

In my experimentation I found the best efficiency (for my setup) was
obtainable with a switching frequency of around 300kHz. In my case I was
using a half bridge from a ~155V DC supply rail (simple mains rectified and
filtered), driving a transformer constructed by winding about 67uH (IIRC)
worth of plain 22AWG wire on a plastic wire bobbin (one from the Radio Shack
magnet wire 3 spool set). This served as the primary (which was to see
about 78V RMS AC since it was being driving by a half bridge with near full
duty cycle). I used an approximately 1:2 turns ratio, so the secondary had
approximately 250uH (again IIRC) worth of the same 22AWG plain 300V
insulated wire (also from Radio Shack). Together they just filled the
bobbin to the max, all very nice and neat. The half bridge switches were
IRF630N devices. With resistive loads of less than or equal to a plain 120V
40W lightbulb, the whole arrangement could probably easily have operated all
day with no extra cooling but plain small heatsinks. I would have estimated
the efficiency around 80% perhaps (combined MOSFETs and transformer). I
used a variac to turn down the DC bus voltage slightly (otherwise the lamp
voltage would increase to around 130V, which was quite close to the unloaded
secondary voltage) to keep the output at 120V. When using a 60W lightbulb
the heat dissipation in the transformer and MOSFETs with small heatsinks was
enough to likely need forced air cooling for continous operation. With a
100W lightbulb operation for a few minutes was reasonable before things
would get too hot and need to be shut down. Nevertheless the load
regulation was suprisingly good as it seemed the output voltage would drop
maybe 20V between no load and 100W lightbulb loaded. As such I could easily
drive the 100W lightbulb at its full 100W rating at 120V.

The transformer design is quite important. Not having to worry about
saturation and core loss is nice, but ultimately DC and AC winding
resistance become incredible problems. At low frequencies the magnetizing
current could easily become substantially larger than the load current for
any reasonably sized primary inductance. You can find out how much the
current will swing using the basic E=L*(dt/dt) formula. Very high
(relatively speaking) frequencies combined with small size litz wire will
likely yeild the best possible combination and highest efficiency. My
choice of 300kHz with 22AWG wire was not optimal. The skin depth at 300kHz
is much smaller than 22AWG wire is thick. If you aren't already familiar
with it, Texas Instruments magnetics design handbook will provide an
excellent introduction to skin depth effects.

It probably would yeild good results to try to size the magnetizing current
to be around the same size as the load current itself. You do this by using
the E=L*(di/dt) forumla along with your switching frequency and the formula
for finding inductance of air core coils for given geometries (any good
physics textbook) and numbers of turns.

I'm not quite sure how your transformer would behave in close proximity to a
superconducting inductor. I might imagine some big forces might get
developed (else how do mag-lev trains work?). I'm afraid I lack experience
with superconductors (the local Radio Shack doesn't stock room temp.
superconducting wires yet, dang!). The toroid winding technique sounds like
it might have some appeal, though I suspect you would have most
disappointing results if you tried to wrap them in sections. You can do
that with a nice high permeability core, but I hightly doubt that would work
with an air core. Wrapping them right on top of each other aught to work
fine though I should think. It seems to provide quite good coupling (k
perhaps equal to or better than 0.9?) with solenoid types wrapped right on
top of each other.

Tim Shoppa

Jan 1, 1970
John Larkin said:
Considered photovoltaics?

Would a hi-efficiency bulb/hi-efficiency photovoltaic combo be
capable of an efficiency over 5%? I'm thinking that given current 30%-
efficient bulbs and 2%-efficient photovoltaics that you'd get under


John Larkin

Jan 1, 1970
Why a half/full bridge only? The novelty of the half and full bridge
topologies (built using either MOSFETs alone or BJTs/IGBTs with antiparallel
diodes) is they can readily recapture the energy stored in the magnetizing
inductance and return it to the input DC bus capacitance. This is very
important since leakage inductances and magnetizing currents would cause
massive power dissipation.

One can just resonate the primary to solve this dilemma.


Tom Bruhns

Jan 1, 1970
Air-core transformers are common at HF, where cores can be pretty
lossy. The efficiency can be quite good. I'd be trying for a few MHz
at least. At HF, you can use tuned structures and avoid much of the
usual capacitive switching loss you see in common LF power switchers.
In the size you're talking about, an unloaded Q of a few hundred is
reasonable at a few MHz, and if you have an unloaded/loaded Q ratio
of, say, 20, then you've got about 95% efficiency. With tuned coils,
you don't need really tight coupling, either.

But even if you just use untuned switching, a few MHz isn't too
bad...a while back I ran a small switcher at 4MHz with efficiency
around 65%, with losses roughly equally divided among the switching
mosfets, the ferrite-core transformer, and the rectifiers. It was a
simple push-pull thing at around a watt. (I haven't seen mention of
the power you need to transfer.)
