Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Altering sensors of similar sort...


Jul 13, 2020
Jul 13, 2020
I have two(2) TX DC 3v 2xAA sensors made by acurite that send my greenhouse data back to my wireless control panel which displays the data..
One is a Temperature Sender..
The other is a Temperature and Humidity sensor..
The sun cooked the Temperature only sensor and I bought the wrong one, and when I got the replacement it did not work with my control panel.... (save the theatrics will yah!)

They are the same size, shape ergonomically built with a hanger on top, 4 screws to access the boards, and on the front similar little insignias that say in respect to their actions....
for humidity and temp.
A small mercury type thermometer and a % sign and 50M )))
for temp only
A small mercury type thermometer with flags on its readout stem and 100m )))
Can the humidity type sensor be reworked using the good components of the temp only to send the correct signal?

I gave about $75 for the thing and I am just afraid that they sent me the wrong one cause they were out of the temp only.

The temp worked really well until I cleaned the greenhouse and it ended up central in the place for better effect....


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Jul 13, 2020
Jul 13, 2020
Here's the gut pics...

whats my changes? 10% 30% or 60%

seemslike with these new devices its always considered less than %60% !!!


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Jun 25, 2010
Jun 25, 2010

Those devices each transmit on a different frequency (channel) so if you fitted a different sensor it would still try to transmit to a channel already in use and you get a conflict whereby (likely) neither unit works.


Jul 13, 2020
Jul 13, 2020
On Temp Only sensor... sneak trick.... ABC switch hidden in battery compartment...
I have a wifi for my arduino if that helps!!!!!

back to the spatfomr ad the snuffles.....

Heres my dillemna...
OK It takes a VB6(visual basic 6 is the program that builds the control surfaces for phone systems) and the experience to run it, to build the interface for the phone to get the sensor data for the arduino. I am good in VB5, but I have never been able to apply the controls to the application... I resulted in html scripting which is a long a tedious coding process not unlike the difference between BASIC and DOS where the two are, as the case my be... incompatible.

So I don't think that my incapable hands with arduino might actually return the data using wifi, but I am always doing something... to no avail, I could not afford the VB6, and the VB5 experts know one language... "you really need VB6"...
and at my age, I'm probably going to pass on before I can afford one.

I want to show you what I did build so that you can at least draw a bit of satisfaction form you forum use...

A real Micro ATX275w P4-12v desktop power supply. I utilized RCA jacks for 10.57v 4.25v and 2.88v for custom alligators.
Then I added a Red + and Black - in bayonette pins for straight up gator clamps or custom highvolt drivers. I also put a switch in it.
It has a bad habit of running a while then shutting down, requiring a new startup.. I think its because the P4 cpus had a minivolt (1 volt) on the 4 pin ATX connector that kept a load on the circuit. They say an LED on the switch line would probably fix it, but I got so confused with white leds with 160k resistors and red leds with 220k resistors that I finally just put the switch in and can restart it manually if need be. OK!! thanks for everything!

I have a room full of little electronics devices that have come and gone and run and stopped an quit and started and loaded and unloaded for quite a long time... I have PC's, like yer Scopes, and they are all, no longer supported by networks. I even tried to upgrading OS's for a while.. wow, what should I do with my ancient NT server that I built as a test bed for SBBOS(small business back office server) in the early 2000's? These are without 486's, 386's, and 286's, and most are 95's and 98's although I can throw in an xp now and again. Sorry no milleniums in there.


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